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Hans Smessaert

Hoogleraar Algemene en Nederlandse Taalkunde / Professor of General & Dutch Linguistics

onderwijs / teaching
onderzoeksbegeleiding / research supervision
onderzoekstopics / research topics
publicaties / publications

Blijde-Inkomststraat 21, postbus 3308
3000 Leuven, Belgium
Erasmushuis, room 02.20
phone: ++32 (0)16 32 48 02
fax: ++32 (0)16 32 47 67
email: see coordinates of K.U.Leuven staff

Onderwijs / Teaching

Opleiding Bachelor Logopedische en Audiologische Wetenschappen (KU Leuven, Faculteit Geneeskunde) /

Bachelor of Speech Language Pathology and Audiology Sciences programme (KU Leuven, Faculty of Medecine)

Opleiding Bachelor Taal- en Letterkunde /
Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature programme

Opleiding MaNaMa in de Taalkunde /
Master of Advanced Studies in Linguistics programme

Onderzoeksbegeleiding / Research supervision

Lopend projectonderzoek / Current research projects

Lopend promotieonderzoek / Current Ph.D research

  • Bojan Nys (2020-2024):
      Bitstring Semantics at the interface of linguistics and psychology. Supervisors: Prof. dr. Hans Smessaert & Prof. dr. Walter Schaeken (Laboratory of Experimental Psychology); co-supervisor Prof. dr. Lorenz Demey (Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science).

Afgerond promotieonderzoek / Finished Ph.D research

  • Sara Verbrugge :
      A psycholinguistic analysis of inferential conditional sentences. Supervisors: Prof. dr. W. Van Belle & Prof. dr. W. Schaeken. Graduation: May 29, 2007 (as a member of the supervision commission).
  • Liesbeth Mortier :
      Perspectives on grammaticalization and speakers' involvement. The case of progressive and continuative periphrases in French and Dutch. Supervisors: Prof. dr. L. Melis & Prof. dr. B. Lamiroy. Graduation: June 8, 2007 (as a member of the supervision commission).
  • Karen Deschamps :
      De lexicalisatie van rechtsnormen. Deontische modaliteit en negatie in Nederlandstalige regelgevende teksten (The lexicalisation of legal norms. Deontic modality and negation in Dutch legal texts). Supervisors: Prof. dr. W. Smedts & Prof. dr. H. Smessaert. Graduation: June 29, 2009.
  • Gudrun Vanderbauwhede :
      Een corpusgebaseerde analyse van de definiete determinanten in het Frans en het Nederlands: van theorie over descriptie naar taalverwerving (A corpus based analysis of the demonstrative determiners in French and Dutch: from theory to description and language acquisition). Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Piet Desmet & Prof. Dr. Peter Lauwers. Graduation: September 16, 2011 (as a member of the supervision commission).
  • Liesbeth Augustinus :
  • Koen Roelandt :

Onderzoekstopics / Research topics

De onderzoekstopics waarover ik heb gepubliceerd vallen uiteen in de onderstaande categorieën. Meer concrete informatie vindt u in het overzicht van mijn publicaties. De topics van mijn recent en/of lopend onderzoek zijn aangegeven met een asterisk (*).

The research topics that I have published on can be subdivided into the following categories. More concrete information can be found in the survey of my publications. The topics of my recent and/or current research are marked with an asterisk (*).

Logische Geometrie / Logical Geometry (

  • 3D visualisatie van Aristotelische en dualiteitsrelaties.*
  • De klassieke Aristotelische hexagon vs de moderne dualiteitshexagon.*
  • Dualiteit en reversibiliteit voorbij het vierkant van Opposities.*
  • Het onderscheid tussen Unconnectedness, Non-contradictie en Non-implicatie.*
  • De Logische Geometrie van de rhombische dodecaheder van Opposities (i.s.m. Lorenz Demey).*
  • Logische Geometrieën en Informatie in het Vierkant van Opposities (i.s.m. Lorenz Demey).*
  • Drie Logische Geometrieën die samenvallen in het Vierkant van Opposities (i.s.m. Lorenz Demey).*
  • Een Algebraïsch Perspectief op Dualiteit in Logica en Taal (i.s.m. Lorenz Demey).*
  • 3D visualisation of Aristotelian and duality relations.*
  • The classical Aristotelian hexagon vs the modern duality hexagon.*
  • Duality and reversibility beyond the Square of Oppositions.*
  • On the distinction between Unconnectedness, Non-contradiction and Non-implication.*
  • The Logical Geometry of the rhombic dodecahedron of Oppositions (with Lorenz Demey).*
  • Logical Geometries and Information in the Square of Oppositions (with Lorenz Demey).*
  • Three Logical Geometries Coinciding in the Square of Oppositions (with Lorenz Demey).*
  • An Algebraic Perspective on Duality in Logic and Language (with Lorenz Demey).*

Formele semantiek / Formal semantics

  • aspectuele adverbia
    • aspectuele partikels in het Nederlands.
    • aspectuele focuspartikels in het Nederlands en het Engels (i.s.m. Alice ter Meulen).
    • de verschillen tussen het Nederlands en het Engels m.b.t. de lexicalisatie van aspectuele adverbia.
    • de interactie tussen aspectuele focus en negatie in het Nederlands.
    • dualiteitsrelaties tussen aspectuele adverbia.
    • temporeel redeneren met aspectuele adverbia (i.s.m. Alice ter Meulen).
    • de evaluatie van aspectuele afstand, snelheid en vooruitgang.
    • elementaire imperfectivische kwantificatie en het bereik van negatie in het Nederlands.
    • de interactie tussen aspectuele adverbia en negatie in (counterfactual) conditionals.*
  • aspectual adverbs
    • aspectual particles in Dutch.
    • aspectual focus particles in Dutch and English (in collaboration with Alice ter Meulen).
    • the differences between Dutch and English w.r.t. the lexicalisation of aspectual adverbs.
    • the interaction between aspectual focus and negation in Dutch.
    • duality relations between aspectual adverbs.
    • temporal reasoning with aspectual adverbs (with Alice ter Meulen).
    • the evaluation of aspectual distance, speed and progress.
    • elementary imperfective quantification and the scope of negation in Dutch.
    • the interaction between aspectual adverbs and negation in (counterfactual) conditionals.*
  • determinatoren/kwantoren
    • nominale en aspectuele comparatiefconstructies in het Nederlands (Proefschrift).
    • monotoniciteitskenmerken van comparatieve determinatoren in het Nederlands en het Engels.
    • 3D visualisatie van logische relaties tussen standaardkwantoren en comparatieve kwantoren.*
  • modale operatoren
    • 3D visualisatie van logische relaties tussen modale operatoren*
  • determiners/quantifiers
    • nominal and aspectual comparative constructions in Dutch (Ph.D. dissertation).
    • monotonicity properties of comparative determiners in Dutch and English.
    • 3D visualisation of logical relations between standard quantifiers and comparative quantifiers.*
  • modal operators
    • 3D visualisation of logical relations between modal operators.*

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Syntactico-semantiek / Syntactico-semantics

  • voegwoorden/bijwoorden/voorzetsels
    • de syntaxis van voegwoordelijke, bijwoordelijke en voorzetseluitdrukkingen in het Nederlands (i.s.m. Jeannine Beeken).
    • de syntactico-semantiek van onderschikkende voegwoorden en voegwoordelijke uitdrukkingen in het Nederlands (i.s.m. Bert Cornillie, Dagmar Divjak, José Tummers en Karel van den Eynde).
    • nominale versus sententiële complementatie en de status van het Nederlandse het feit dat (i.s.m. José Tummers).
    • graden van syntactico-semantische dependentie met vooraleer-zinnen in het Nederlands (i.s.m. Karel van den Eynde).
    • Adpositionele Constructies van Locatie en Richting (i.s.m. Ingrid Van Canegem-Ardijns & William Van Belle).
    • Bijwoordelijk en voegwoordelijk gebruik van het Nederlandse nu.
    • het Nederlandse anders: van bijwoord van wijze naar epistemische discourse marker (i.s.m. William Van Belle).
    • Duitse pendanten van het Nederlandse anders (i.s.m. Petra Campe).*
    • Voornaamwoordelijke bijwoorden op basis van voorzetseluitdrukkingen.*
  • (subordinating) conjunctions/adverbs/prepositions
    • the syntax of conjunctive, adverbial and prepositional expressions in Dutch (with Jeannine Beeken).
    • the syntactico-semantics of (subordinating) conjunctions and conjunctive expressions in Dutch (with Bert Cornillie, Dagmar Divjak, José Tummers and Karel van den Eynde).
    • nominal versus sentential complementation and the status of Dutch the fact that (with José Tummers).
    • degrees of syntactico-semantic dependency with before-clauses in Dutch (with Karel van den Eynde).
    • Adpositional Constructions of Location and Direction (with Ingrid Van Canegem-Ardijns & William Van Belle).
    • Adverbial and complementizer use of Dutch nu.
    • Dutch anders ('differently/otherwise'): from manner adverb to epistemic discourse marker (with William Van Belle).
    • German counterparts of Dutch anders (with Petra Campe).*
    • Pronominal adverbs based on complex prepositions.*
  • modaliteit en negatie
    • modale dualiteit en de syntactico-semantiek van negatief-gebonden of-constructies in het Nederlands.
    • de lexicalisatie van rechtsnormen (i.s.m. Karen Deschamps).
  • conditionele zinnen
    • directe versus indirecte inferentiële conditionele zinnen (i.s.m. Sara Verbrugge).
    • inferentiële versus meta-inferentiële conditionele zinnen (i.s.m. Sara Verbrugge).
  • modality and negation
    • modal duality and the syntactico-semantics of negatively-bound of-constructions in Dutch.
    • the lexicalisation of legal norms (with Karen Deschamps).
  • conditional clauses
    • direct versus indirect inferential conditionals (with Sara Verbrugge).
    • inferential versus meta-inferential conditionals (with Sara Verbrugge).

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Morfo-syntaxis / Morpho-syntax

  • de morfo-syntaxis van pronominale clitics in het West-Vlaams (M.A. thesis).
  • verschillen tussen het West-Vlaams en het Engels bij korte antwoorden op polariteitsvragen en question tags.
  • de morfo-syntaxis van hoofdtelwoorden in het West-Vlaams.
  • the morpho-syntax of pronominal clitics in West-Flemish (M.A. thesis).
  • differences between West-Flemish and English with short answers to polarity questions and question tags.
  • the morpho-syntax of cardinal numbers in West-Flemish.

Andere / Other

  • lexicale semantiek
    • de logica van het label figuurlijk in de lexicografie (i.s.m. Dirk Geeraerts).
    • een typologie van afkortingen in het Nederlands (i.s.m. Frank Joosten).
  • lexical semantics
    • the logic of the label figurative in lexicography (with Dirk Geeraerts).
    • a typology of abbreviations in Dutch (with Frank Joosten).
  • taalontwikkeling
    • de verwerving van onderschikkende structuren in de differentiatiefase (i.s.m. Inge Zink).
  • language acquisition
    • the acquisition of subordinate structures in the differentiation stage (with Inge Zink).

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Publicaties / Publications

Boeken (als auteur) / Books (as author)

  • Smessaert, Hans (2021). Taal en talen. Communicatiesystemen, tekensystemen, schriftsystemen en taalfamilies. Leuven: Acco (40 pp., ISBN 978 94 6414 292 1).
  • Smessaert, Hans; Jeroen van Craenenbroeck & Guido Vanden Wyngaerd (2019). Morfologie en syntaxis. [Reeks Basisbegrippen Taalkunde]. Leuven: Acco (400 pp., ISBN 978-94-6344-683-9).
    => more information from ACCO.
  • Smessaert, Hans (2019). Semantiek en Pragmatiek. [Reeks Basisbegrippen Taalkunde]. Leuven: Acco (197 pp., ISBN 978 94 6379 098 7).
    => more information from ACCO.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Wivine Decoster (2017). Fonetiek en Fonologie. [Reeks Basisbegrippen Taalkunde]. Leuven: Acco (Second Edition; 297 pp., ISBN 978-94-6344-051-6).
    => more information from ACCO.
  • Smessaert, Hans (2013). Basisbegrippen Morfologie. [Reeks Basisbegrippen Taalkunde]. Leuven: Acco (211 pp., ISBN 978-90-334-8979-2).
  • Smessaert, Hans & Wivine Decoster (2012). Basisbegrippen Fonetiek en Fonologie. [Reeks Basisbegrippen Taalkunde]. Leuven: Acco (290 pp., ISBN 978-90-334-8576-3).
  • Smessaert, Hans & William Van Belle (2010). Syntaxis van het Nederlands: een inleiding. Leuven: Acco (142 pp., ISBN 978 90 334 8308 0).
  • Smessaert, Hans (2009). Basisbegrippen Semantiek. [Reeks Basisbegrippen Taalkunde]. Leuven: Acco (154 pp., ISBN 978 90 334 7560 3).
  • Zink, Inge & Hans Smessaert (2009). Taalontwikkeling stap voor stap. Herentals: Vlaamse Vereniging voor Logopedisten (154 pp., ISBN 978 90 811 3476 7).
    => more information from VVL.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Wivine Decoster (2009). Aspecten van Gesproken Nederlands. Leuven: Acco (149 pp., ISBN 978 90 334 7466 8).
  • Smessaert, Hans (2008). Morfologie van het Nederlands. Een inleiding. Leuven: Acco (134 pp., ISBN 978 90 334 7149 0).
  • Smessaert, Hans & Inge Zink (2008). Taalontwikkeling. Leuven: Acco (61 pp., ISBN 978 90 334 7290 9).
  • Smessaert, Hans (2006). Lexicale morfologie van het Nederlands. Leuven: Acco (73 pp., ISBN 90-334-6360-1).
  • Creten, Jos; Hans Smessaert & William Van Belle (2005). Syntaxis van het Nederlands. Leuven: Acco (111 pp., ISBN 90-334-6024-6).
  • Smessaert, Hans (1999). Perspectief en Vergelijking. Aspectuele partikels in het Nederlands, Studies op het gebied van de Nederlandse Taalkunde 4. Belgisch Interuniversitair Centrum voor Neerlandistiek, Uitgeverij Peeters, Leuven (176 pp., ISBN 90-429-0717-7).
    => more information from Peeters.

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Artikels in internationale tijdschriften / Articles in international journals

  • Roelandt, Koen & Hans Smessaert (2023). 'Aristotelian Fragments and Subdiagrams for the Boolean Algebra B5'.Axioms 12/6, Article No. 604.
    => DOI:; paper available in PDF format from MDPI.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (2023). 'Aristotelian Diagrams for the Proportional Quantifier Most’. Axioms 12/3, Article No. 236.
    => DOI:; preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from MDPI.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (2022). 'On the Logical Geometry of Geometric Angles’. In: Andrew Schumann & Jens Lemanski (eds.), Logic, Spatial Algorithms and Visual Reasoning. Special Issue of Logica Universalis 16/4, 581–601.
    => DOI:; preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (2022). 'On the ubiquity of symmetry in Logical Geometry'. Symmetry: Art and Science 2022/1-4, 356-361.
    => preprint available in PDF format
  • Roelandt, Koen & Hans Smessaert (2019). 'On the role of central symmetry in the 3D visualisation of the Boolean Algebra B5'. Symmetry: Art and Science 2019/1-4, 238-241.
    => preprint available in PDF format;
  • Smessaert, Hans (2019). 'Boekbespreking Morfologie. De woordstructuur van het Nederlands (Booij & Van Santen 2017). Nederlandse Taalkunde 23/3, 387-390.
    => DOI:
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (2018). 'Combinatorial Bitstring Semantics for Arbitrary Logical Fragments'. Journal of Philosophical Logic 47/2, 325-363.
    => DOI:; preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (2018). 'Geometric and Cognitive Differences between Logical Diagrams for the Boolean Algebra B_4'. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 83/2, 185-208.
    => DOI:; preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (2017). 'Logical and Geometrical Distance in Polyhedral Aristotelian Diagrams in Knowledge Representation'. Symmetry 9/10, 204. 22 pp.
    => DOI:; paper available in PDF format (open access) from MDPI.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (2017). 'Duality Patterns in 2-PCD Fragments'. South American Journal of Logic 3/2, 225-272.
    => preprint available in PDF format.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (2016). 'Metalogical Decorations of Logical Diagrams'. Logica Universalis 10/2, 233--–292.
    => DOI:; preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (2014). 'Logical Geometries and Information in the Square of Oppositions'. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 23/4, 527-565.
    => DOI:; preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Smessaert, Hans (2014). 'Telwoorden en kwantoren: syntaxis versus semantiek.' (Review of chapter 6 “Numerals and quantifiers” in Syntax of Dutch: Nouns and Noun Phrases Volume 2 (Broekhuis & den Dikken, 2012). Nederlandse Taalkunde 19/1, 77-86.
    => DOI:
  • Smessaert, Hans (2012). 'The Classical Aristotelian hexagon versus the Modern Duality hexagon'. Logica Universalis 6/1, 171-199.
    => DOI:; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Verbrugge, Sara & Hans Smessaert (2011). 'On the distinction between inferential and meta-inferential conditionals in Dutch'. Journal of Pragmatics 43/14, 3387-3402.
    => DOI:; paper available in PDF format from Elsevier.
  • Verbrugge, Sara & Hans Smessaert (2010). 'On the argumentative strength of indirect inferential conditionals'. Argumentation 24/3, 337-362.
    => DOI:
  • Deschamps, Karen & Hans Smessaert (2009). 'The Logical-Semantic Structure of Legislative Sentences'. Comparative Legilinguistics. International Journal for Legal Communication 1, 73-87.
    => DOI:
  • Smessaert, Hans (2009). 'On the 3D-visualisation of logical relations'. Logica Universalis 3/2, 303-332.
    => DOI:; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Verbrugge, Sara, Kristien Dieussaert, Walter Schaeken, Hans Smessaert & William Van Belle (2007). 'Pronounced inferences: A study on inferential conditionals'. Thinking & Reasoning 13/2, 105-133.
    => DOI:; paper available in PDF format from Taylor & Francis.
  • Smessaert, Hans, Bert Cornillie, Dagmar Divjak & Karel van den Eynde (2005). 'Degrees of clause integration. From endotactic to exotactic subordination in Dutch'. Linguistics 43/3, 471-529.
    => DOI:; paper available in PDF format from De Gruyter.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Alice G.B. ter Meulen (2004). 'Temporal reasoning with aspectual adverbials'. Linguistics and Philosophy 27/2, 209-262.
    => DOI:; paper available in PDF format from Jstor.
  • Smessaert, Hans (1998). 'Adverbials of aspectual focus and negation in Dutch'. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 12, 61-75.
    => DOI:
  • Smessaert, Hans (1996). 'Monotonicity properties of comparative determiners'. Linguistics and Philosophy 19/3, 295-336.
    => DOI:; paper available in PDF format from Jstor.
  • Smessaert, Hans (1995). 'Book review : Lia Korrel: Duration in English: A Basic Choice (1991)'. Linguistics 33, 374-376.
    => DOI:

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Artikels in andere tijdschriften / Articles in other journals

  • Smessaert, Hans (2021). 'Aspecten van de interne structuur van voorzetseluitdrukkingen'. Leuvense Bijdragen 103, 233-250.
  • Smessaert, Hans (2020). 'Niet alleen variatie in talig gedrag verklaren’. Verslagen en Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal en Letteren 130/1, 93-97.
  • Van de Velde, Freek; Hans Smessaert & Joop van der Horst (2016). ‘Another look at the Germanic Sandwich: Dutch between German and English’. Leuvense Bijdragen 101, 77-81.
  • Campe, Petra & Hans Smessaert (2016). ‘Anders gezegd - Duitse pendanten van het Nederlandse bijwoord anders’. Leuvense Bijdragen 99-100, 133-152.
    => preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Peeters.
  • Jacobs, Joyce; Sara Vanhoof, Hans Smessaert & Inge Zink (2014). 'Validiteit van de taalschalen van de Bayley-III-NL: een verkennend onderzoek'. Signaal. Significant voor de professionele hulpverlener 87, 20-32.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (2013) 'Joint review of 'Jean-Yves Béziau and Gillman Payette (2012, eds.). The Square of Opposition. A General Framework for Cognition; and Jean-Yves Béziau and Dale Jacquette (2012, eds.). Around and Beyond the Square of Opposition'. Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 75/4, 831-833.
    => preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Peeters.
  • Smessaert, Hans (2011). 'Huldeadres door Hans Smessaert aan zijn voorganger Guido Geerts'. Jaarboek van de Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde 2011, 112-116.
  • Smessaert, Hans, Inge Zink & Inge Berthels (2008). 'De verwerving van onderschikkende structuren in de differentiatiefase'. Logopedie 21/4, 64-72.
  • Deschamps, Karen & Hans Smessaert (2005). 'De lexicalisatie van rechtsnormen'. TREMA December 2005. Themanummer Recht, taal en literatuur, 525-529.
  • van den Eynde, Karel & Hans Smessaert (2003). 'Een typologie van vooraleer-zinnen: graden van syntactico-semantische dependentie'. Leuvense Bijdragen 92/3-4, 175-199.
  • Smessaert, Hans (2002). 'Modale dualiteit en negatief gebonden of-zinnen in het Nederlands. Review artikel n.a.v. Ad Welschen (1999): Duale syntaxis en polaire contractie'. Leuvense Bijdragen 91/3-4, 427-458
  • Smessaert, Hans & Alice G.B. ter Meulen (1999). 'Temporal reasoning with aspectual adverbials'. Groninger Arbeiten zur germanistischen Linguistik 43, 227-243.
  • Joosten, Frank & Hans Smessaert (1999). 'Afkortingen: een voorstel tot typologisering'. Leuvense Bijdragen 88/3-4, 267-287.
  • Geeraerts, Dirk & Hans Smessaert (1996). 'Nog een rondje figuurlijkheid'. Trefwoord 11, 118-124.
  • Smessaert, Hans (1995). 'Morfologiedagen 1995 : Voorwoord'. Leuvense Bijdragen 84/4, 419-423.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Jeannine Beeken (1995). 'The Syntax of Dutch connectives : some preliminary observations'. (Talk at the Colloquium on Connectives, 5-6 April 1995, K.U.Leuven). Leuvense Bijdragen 84/3, 375-396.
  • Smessaert, Hans (1995). '(Ertoe) bijdragen (tot) : pre- en postposities in het Nederlands. Review-artikel n.a.v. Jeannine Beeken Spiegelstructuur en variabiliteit. Pre- en postposities in het Nederlands (1993)'. Leuvense Bijdragen 84/2, 173-201.
  • Geeraerts, Dirk & Hans Smessaert (1995). 'Figuurlijk, logisch gezien'. Trefwoord 10, 48-58.
  • Smessaert, Hans (1995). 'Morfo-syntaxis van het Westvlaamse bè-jaa-k-gie'. (Talk at the Morfologiedag, 2 September 1994, R.U.Groningen). Tabu 25/1, 45-60.
  • Smessaert, Hans (1991). 'Between True and False. A Review Article of Sebastian Löbner's Wahr neben Falsch (1990)'. Leuvense Bijdragen 80, 257-290.
  • Smessaert, Hans (1988). 'Operators and Variables in the Theory of Government and Binding'. Leuvense Bijdragen 77, 151-159.
  • Smessaert, Hans (1988). 'Towards a semantic foundation for Strong Cross-over in Dutch'. University of Chicago Working Papers in Linguistics Vol 4, 199-222.

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Artikels in boeken / Articles in books

  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (2022). 'A Database of Aristotelian Diagrams: Empirical Foundations for Logical Geometry', In: Valeria Giardino, Sven Linker, Richard Burns, Francesco Bellucci, Jean-Michel Boucheix & Petrucio Viana (eds.), Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI 13462). Cham: Springer, 123–131.
    => DOI:; preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (2022). 'From Euler Diagrams to Aristotelian Diagrams', In: Valeria Giardino, Sven Linker, Richard Burns, Francesco Bellucci, Jean-Michel Boucheix & Petrucio Viana (eds.), Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI 13462). Cham: Springer, 279-295.
    => DOI:; preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (2022). 'Aspect Shifting in Aristotelian Diagrams', In: Valeria Giardino, Sven Linker, Richard Burns, Francesco Bellucci, Jean-Michel Boucheix & Petrucio Viana (eds.), Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI 13462). Cham: Springer, 226-234.
    => DOI:; preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Smessaert, Hans; Atsushi Shimojima & Lorenz Demey (2021). 'On the Cognitive Potential of Derivative Meaning in Aristotelian Diagrams'. In: Amrita Basu, Gem Stapleton, Sven Linker, Catherine Legg, Emmanuel Manalo & Petrucio Viana (eds.), Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Diagrams 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 12909). Cham: Springer, 495-511.
    => DOI:; preprint available in PDF format.
  • Smessaert, Hans; Atsushi Shimojima & Lorenz Demey (2020). 'Free Rides in Logical Space Diagrams versus Aristotelian Diagrams', In: Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen, Peter Chapman, Leonie Bosveld-de Smet, Valeria Giardino, James Corter & Sven Linker (eds.), Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Diagrams 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 12169). Cham: Springer, 419 – 435.
    => DOI:; preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
    Best paper award at Diagrams 2020 conference.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (2020). 'Using Multigraphs to Study the Interaction Between Opposition, Implication and Duality Relations in Logical Squares', In: Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen, Peter Chapman, Leonie Bosveld-de Smet, Valeria Giardino, James Corter & Sven Linker (eds.), Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Diagrams 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 12169. Cham: Springer, 385 – 393.
    => DOI:; preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (2018). 'Aristotelian and Duality Relations Beyond the Square of Opposition', In: Peter Chapman, Gem Stapleton, Amirouche Moktefi, Sarah Perez-Kriz & Francesco Bellucci (eds.), Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 10871. Heidelberg: Springer, 640 - 656.
    => DOI:; preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (2018). 'Towards a Typology of Diagrams in Linguistics'', In: Peter Chapman, Gem Stapleton, Amirouche Moktefi, Sarah Perez-Kriz & Francesco Bellucci (eds.), Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 10871. Heidelberg: Springer, 236 - 244.
    => DOI:; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Jaspers, Dany & Hans Smessaert (2018). 'On the Logical Geometry of the Tetrahedron'. In Jan Ceuppens, Hans Smessaert, Jeroen van Craenenbroeck & Guido Vanden Wyngaerd (2018, red.). A Coat of Many Colours. Feestbundel bij de zestigste verjaardag van Dany Jaspers. Brussel: CRISSP.
    => paper available in PDF format.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (2017). 'The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Bitstrings in Logical Geometry'. In: Jean-Yves Beziau & Gianfranco Basti (eds.) The Square of Opposition: A Cornerstone of Thought, Springer, Basel. 197-214.
    => DOI:; preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (2017). 'Duality in Logic and Language'. In: James Fieser & Bradley Dowden (eds.), Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Martin, TN: University of Tennessee. 37 pp.
    => paper available online.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (2016). 'The Interaction between Logic and Geometry in Aristotelian Diagrams'. In: Mateja Jamnik, Yuri Uesaka & Stephanie Elzer Schwartz (eds.) Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 9781. Springer International Publishing, 67-82.
    => DOI:; preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (2016). 'Visualising the Boolean Algebra B_4 in 3D'. In: Mateja Jamnik, Yuri Uesaka & Stephanie Elzer Schwartz (eds.) Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 9781. Springer International Publishing, 289-292.
    => DOI:; preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (2015). 'La géométrie logique du dodécaèdre rhombique des oppositions [The Logical Geometry of the Rhombic Dodecahedron of Oppositions]'. In: Saloua Chatti (ed.) Le carré et ses extensions: Approches théoriques, pratiques et historiques. Tunis: Université de Tunis, 127-157.
    => preprint available in PDF format.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (2015). ‘'Béziau's Contributions to the Logical Geometry of Modalities and Quantifiers'’. In: Arnold Koslow & Arthur Buchsbaum (eds.). The road to Universal Logic. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 475-493.
    => DOI:; preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Geeraerts, Dirk, Hans Smessaert, Dorien Van De Mieroop, Roland Vandenberghe, Joop van der Horst & Freek Van de Velde (2015). ‘'Taal in beweging’'. In: Veerle Achten et al. (Eds.). Hoe word ik Einstein of Da Vinci? Een inleiding tot wetenschappen vandaag voor de homo universalis van morgen. Leuven: Lannoo Campus, 491-523.
    more information from Lannoo Campus.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (2014). '‘Logische meetkunde en pragmatiek'’. In: Freek Van de Velde, Hans Smessaert, Frank Van Eynde & Sara Verbrugge (2014, red.) Patroon en Argument. Dubbelfeestbundel bij het emeritaat van William Van Belle en Joop van der Horst. Leuven: Universitaire Pers Leuven, 553-564.
    => preprint available in PDF format; more information from Leuven University Press.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (2014). 'Logical and Geometrical Complementarities between Aristotelian Diagrams'. In: Tim Dwyer, Helen Purchase & Aidan Delaney (eds.) Diagrams 2014. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), vol. 8578. Heidelberg: Springer, 246–260.
    => DOI:; preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (2014). 'The Relationship between Aristotelian and Hasse Diagrams'. In: Tim Dwyer, Helen Purchase & Aidan Delaney (eds.) Diagrams 2014. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), vol. 8578. Heidelberg: Springer, 213–227.
    => DOI:; preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Smessaert, Hans, William Van Belle & Ingrid Van Canegem-Ardijns (2014). 'Adpositional constructions of motion in Dutch'. In: Nicole Delbecque, Karen Lahousse & Willy Van Langendonck (eds.). Non-Nuclear Cases. (Case and Grammatical Relations Across Languages. Volume 6). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 127-171.
    => DOI:; preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Benjamins.
  • Smessaert, Hans (2012). 'Boolean differences between two hexagonal extensions of the logical Square of Oppositions'. In: Philip Cox, Beryl Plimmer & Peter Rodgers (eds.) Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 7352 (Proceedings of the Diagrams 2012 Conference, Canterbury, 2-6 july 2012). Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 193-199.
    => DOI:; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Smessaert, Hans (2011). 'Wait’ll (you hear) the next one: a case for an enclitic preposition and complementizer'. In: Etsuyo Yuasa, Tista Bagchi & Katharine P. Beals (eds.), Pragmatics and Autolexical Grammar: In Honor of Jerry Sadock. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 175-192. (proceedings of the Conference to celebrate Jerry Sadock’s academic life and retirement, University of Chicago, May 2-3, 2008.)
    => DOI:
  • Smessaert, Hans & William Van Belle (2010). 'From manner adverbial to attitudinal discourse marker: the case of Dutch anders'. In: An Van linden, Jean-Christophe Verstraete & Kristin Davidse (eds), in collaboration with Hubert Cuyckens. Formal evidence in grammaticalization research (Typological Studies in Language 94). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 137-189.
    => DOI:
  • Smessaert, Hans, Joop van der Horst & Els Hendrickx (2010). 'Inleiding. Taalzorg(en) in de eenentwintigste eeuw'. In: Els Hendrickx, Karl Hendrickx, Willy Martin, Hans Smessaert, William Van Belle en Joop van der Horst (red.) Liever meer of juist minder? Over normen en variatie in taal. Gent: Academia Press, XI-XX.
  • Smessaert, Hans (1995). 'Pronominal Cliticization in West Flemish'. In: Eric Schiller, Elisa Steinberg & Barbara Need (eds.), Autolexical Theory : Ideas and Methods. Trends in Linguistics : Studies and Monographs 85. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 241-289.
    => DOI:; paper available in PDF format from De Gruyter.

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Boeken (als redacteur) / Books (as editor)

  • Ceuppens, Jan; Hans Smessaert, Jeroen van Craenenbroeck & Guido Vanden Wyngaerd (2018, red.). A Coat of Many Colours. Feestbundel bij de zestigste verjaardag van Dany Japsers. Brussel: CRISSP.
    => website of the book.
  • Van de Velde, Freek; Hans Smessaert, Frank Van Eynde & Sara Verbrugge (2014, red.) Patroon en Argument. Dubbelfeestbundel bij het emeritaat van William Van Belle en Joop van der Horst. Leuven: Universitaire Pers Leuven (784 blz, ISBN 978 94 6270 014 7).
    => more information from Leuven University Press.
  • Hendrickx, Els; Karl Hendrickx, Willy Martin, Hans Smessaert, William Van Belle & Joop van der Horst (2010, red.). Liever meer of juist minder? Over normen en variatie in taal. Gent: Academia Press (271 blz., ISBN 978 90 382 1646 1).

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Artikels in internationale congresbundels / Articles in international proceedings

  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (2016). 'Shape Heuristics in Aristotelian Diagrams'. In: Oliver Kutz, Stefano Borgo and Mehul Bhatt (eds.), Shapes 2015 - The Shape of Things 2015. CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 1616, 35-45.
    => preprint available in PDF format; volume available at CEUR-WS website.
  • Smessaert, Hans (2012). 'The lexicalisation of elementary imperfective quantification in Dutch versus English'. In: Esther Ruigendijk, Freek van de Velde & Roel Vismans (eds.) Proceedings of A Germanic Sandwich 2010: Dutch between English and German. A comparative linguistic conference (University of Oldenburg, Germany, 17-18 September 2010). Special Issue of Leuvense Bijdragen 98, 65-97.
  • Deschamps, Karen & Hans Smessaert (2011). '(Non-)modal uses of the present indicative in Dutch legislation'. In: Jesse Mortelmans, Tanja Mortelmans & Walter De Mulder (eds.), Cahiers Chronos 22: From now to eternity (Proceedings of the 7th Chronos Conference, Universiteit Antwerpen, 18-20 September 2006). Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 139-156.
    => more information from Brill/Rodopi.
  • Smessaert, Hans (2007). 'The evaluation of aspectual distance, speed and progress'. In: Louis de Saussure, Jacques Moeschler & Genoveva Puskas (Eds), Tense, Mood and Aspect. Theoretical and Descriptive Issues. (Proceedings of the 6th Chronos conference, Université de Genève, 22-24 September 2004). Amsterdam/New York : Rodopi, 27-45.
    => more information from Brill/Rodopi.
  • ter Meulen, Alice G.B. & Hans Smessaert (2001). 'Temporal reasoning with aspectual adverbials'. In: Claudio Bettini & Angelo Montanari (eds.) Proceedings of the The Eighth International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME-01). Cividale del Friuli, Italië, op 14-16 juni 2001. IEEE Computer Society Press, 28-34
  • Smessaert, Hans (1997). 'Aspectual duality regained'. In: Paul Dekker, Martin Stokhof & Yde Venema (eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Amsterdam Colloquium, December 17-20, 1997, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam, 271-276.
  • ter Meulen, Alice G.B. & Hans Smessaert (1994). 'Aspectual focus in English and Dutch'. In: Peter Bosch & Rob van der Sandt (eds.), Focus and Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Conference in Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Journal of Semantics, August 12-15, 1994, Schloss Wolfsbrunnen (Kassel,Germany). Working Papers of the IBM Institute for Logic and Linguistics, Vol. 2 : Semantics, 353-362.
  • Smessaert, Hans (1992). 'Duality Distribution with nominal and aspectual quantifiers in Dutch'. In: Paul Dekker & Martin Stokhof (eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth Amsterdam Colloquium, December 17-20, 1991, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam, 567- 586.

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Artikels in andere congresbundels / Articles in other proceedings

  • Smessaert, Hans (2021). ‘‘Het onbepaald voornaamwoordelijk bijwoord: over terminologische knelpunten bij de Nederlandse woordsoorten’.’ In: André Mottart & Steven Vanhoren (eds) Vierendertigste Conferentie Onderwijs Nederlands (HSN34). Gent: Skribis, 93-96.
  • Smessaert, Hans (2014). '‘De morfoloog: spin in het web van de taalbeschouwing'’. In: André Mottart & Steven Vanhoren (eds) HSN28: Conferentie Onderwijs Nederlands. Gent: Academia Press, 213-217
  • Verbrugge, Sara & Hans Smessaert (2009). 'Als dit niet interessant is, dan weet ik het niet meer'. Conditionele zinnen en indirecte argumentatie. In: Wilbert Spooren, Margreet Onrust & José Sanders (eds.). Studies in Taalbeheersing 3. (Proceedings van VI0T 2008 congres, Vereniging Interuniversitair Overleg Taalbeheersing). Assen: Van Gorcum, 391-404.
  • Deschamps, Karen & Hans Smessaert (2009). 'Interactie tussen ontkenningen in regelgevende teksten'. In: Wilbert Spooren, Margreet Onrust & José Sanders (eds.). Studies in Taalbeheersing 3. (Proceedings van VI0T 2008 congres, Vereniging Interuniversitair Overleg Taalbeheersing). Assen: Van Gorcum, 43-52.
  • Van Belle, William & Hans Smessaert (2008). 'Taalbeschouwing als leren redeneren met de kennis van je moedertaal'. In: Steven Vanhoren & André Mottart (eds) 22e Conferentie Het Schoolvak Nederlands (Brussel, 14-15 november 2008). Gent: Academia Press, 266-269.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Sara Verbrugge (2006). 'De lexicalisatie van inferentiële versus meta-inferentiële conditionele zinnen'. In: Hans Hoeken, Berna Hendriks en Peter Jan Schellens (Eds.), Studies in Taalbeheersing 2. (Proceedings van V10T 2005 congres, Vereniging Interuniversitair Overleg Taalbe-heersing). Assen: Van Gorcum, 309-319.
  • Smessaert, Hans (1998). 'Over de morfosyntaxis van West-Vlaamse hoofdtelwoorden'. (Talk at the Morfologiedagen 1996, Amsterdam, 19-20 september 1996). In: Erik Hoekstra & Caroline Smits (eds.), Morfologiedagen 1996, Cahiers van het Meertens Instituut Nr. 10, Amsterdam, 157-170.
  • Smessaert, Hans (1996). 'Aspectuele bijwoorden in het Nederlands en het Engels'. (Talk at the KZMTLG meeting, 22 October 1994, K.U.Brussel). In: Dirk Sacré (ed.), Handelingen van de Koninklijke Zuidnederlandse Maatschappij voor Taal- en Letterkunde en Geschiedenis XLVIII (1994), 187-205.

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Redacteur van congresbundel / Editor of proceedings

  • Van de Velde, Freek; Joop van der Horst & Hans Smessaert (2017, eds.) Proceedings of A Germanic Sandwich 2013: Dutch between English and German. A comparative linguistic conference (KU Leuven, 11-12 januari, 2013). Special Issue of Leuvense Bijdragen 101, 77-189.
  • Smessaert, Hans (1995, ed.). Morfologiedagen 1995 (Leuven, 21-22 September 1995), Special issue of Leuvense Bijdragen 84/4, 419-560.

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Tutorials op internationale congressen / Tutorials at international conferences

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Lezingen op internationale congressen / Talks at international conferences

  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (September 2022). 'A Database of Aristotelian Diagrams: Empirical Foundations for Logical Geometry'. Talk at Diagrams 2022: The 13th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy, September 13-17, 2022.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (September 2022). ‘From Euler Diagrams to Aristotelian Diagrams’. Talk at Diagrams 2022: The 13th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy, September 13-17, 2022.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (September 2022). ‘Aspect Shifting in Aristotelian Diagrams’. Talk at Diagrams 2022: The 13th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy, September 13-17, 2022.
  • Nys, Bojan; Walter Schaeken, Tom Bylemans & Hans Smessaert (September 2022). ‘From Dilemma to Conclusion: Semantic and Pragmatic influences on Deductive Reasoning with Incompatibility’. Talk at the XPRAG 2022: 9th Experimental Pragmatics Conference, Pavia, Italy, September 22-23, 2022.
  • Roelandt, Koen & Hans Smessaert (September 2022). ‘Aristotelian subdiagrams in the Boolean Algebras B4 and B5'. Talk at the 7th World Congress on the Square of Opposition, Leuven, September 9-13, 2022.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (July 2022). ‘On the ubiquity of symmetry in Logical Geometry’. Talk at the 12th SIS-Symmetry Congress, Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, July 11-16, 2022.
  • Smessaert, Hans; Atsushi Shimojima & Lorenz Demey (September 2021). 'On the Cognitive Potential of Derivative Meaning in Aristotelian Diagrams'. Talk at Diagrams 2021: The 12th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams, Virtual Conference, September 28-30, 2021.
  • Smessaert, Hans; Atsushi Shimojima & Lorenz Demey (August 2020). 'Free Rides in Logical Space Diagrams versus Aristotelian Diagrams'. Talk at Diagrams 2020: The 11th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams, Virtual Conference, August 24-28, 2020.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (August 2020). 'Using Multigraphs to Study the Interaction Between Opposition, Implication and Duality Relations in Logical Squares'. Talk at Diagrams 2020: The 11th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams, Virtual Conference, August 24-28, 2020.
  • Roelandt, Koen & Hans Smessaert (November 2019). 'On the role of central symmetry in the 3D visualisation of the Boolean Algebra B5'. Talk at the Symmetry: Art and Science, 2019 - 11th Congress and Exhibition of SIS. Kanazawa, Japan, November 25 - 30, 2019.
  • Termont, Wouter; Lorenz Demey & Hans Smessaert (May 2019). 'First Steps Toward a Digital Database of Aristotelian Diagrams'. Poster presentation at the Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage Conference (DATeCH 2019). Brussels, May 8-10, 2019.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (November 2018). 'Aristotelian Diagrams for the Proportional Quantifier Most. Talk at the 6th World Congress on the Square of Opposition, Crete (Greece), November 1 - 5, 2018.
    => slides available in PDF format.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (November 2018). 'Aristotelian and Duality Relations beyond the Square of Opposition'. Talk at the 6th World Congress on the Square of Opposition, Crete (Greece), November 1 - 5, 2018.
    => slides available in PDF format.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (September 2018). 'Ordering Relations, Partitions and Aristotelian Diagrams'. Talk at the Logic Now and Then 4 (LNAT4), Brussels, September 20, 2018.
    => slides available in PDF format.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (June 2018). 'Towards a Typology of Diagrams in Linguistics'. Talk at the Diagrams 2018: the 10th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams, Edinburgh (UK), June 18 - 22, 2018.
    => paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (June 2018). 'Aristotelian and Duality Relations Beyond the Square of Opposition'. Talk at the Diagrams 2018: the 10th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams, Edinburgh (UK), June 18 - 22, 2018.
    => preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Smessaert, Hans (November 2016). 'Aristotelian and Duality Relations with Proportional Quantifiers'. Talk at the Fifth World Congress on the Square of Opposition, Easter Island, November 11-15, 2016.
    => abstract / slides available in PDF format.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (August 2016). 'The Interaction between Logic and Geometry in Aristotelian Diagrams'. Talk at Diagrams 2016: The 9th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams, Philadelphia, PA, August 7-10, 2016.
    => preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (August 2016). 'Visualising the Boolean Algebra B_4 in 3D'. Poster presentation at Diagrams 2016: The 9th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams, Philadelphia, PA, August 7-10, 2016.
    => poster / preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Smessaert, Hans (April 2016). 'Aristotelian and Duality Relations with Proportional Quantifiers'. Talk at the KrowFest workshop, Brussels, April 1, 2016.
    => slides available in PDF format.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (November 2015). 'Shape Heuristics in Aristotelian Diagrams'. Talk at the Shapes 3.0 workshop, Larnaca (Cyprus), November 2, 2015
    => preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format at CEUR-WS website.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (August 2015). 'Aristotelian Diagrams for Multi-Operator Formulas in Avicenna and Buridan'. Talk at the 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (CLMPS), Helsinki (Finland), August 3 - 8, 2015.
    => abstract / slides available in PDF format
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (August 2015). 'Metalogical Decorations of Logical Diagrams'. Talk at the 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (CLMPS), Helsinki (Finland), August 3 - 8, 2015.
    => abstract / slides / preprint available in PDF format
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (February 2015). 'One-sided versus two-sided readings of many and few. Talk at Logic Now and Then 3 (LNAT3), Brussels (Belgium), February 5, 2015.
    => abstract / slides available in PDF format
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (August 2014). 'Logical and Geometrical Complementarities between Aristotelian Diagrams'. Talk at Diagrams 2014: The 8th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams, Swinburne University, Melbourne, July 28 - August 1, 2014
    => slides / preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (August 2014). 'The Relationship between Aristotelian and Hasse Diagrams'. Talk at Diagrams 2014: The 8th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams, Swinburne University, Melbourne, July 28 - August 1, 2014.
    => slides / preprint available in PDF format; paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey (May 2014). 'The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Bitstrings in Logical Geometry'. Talk at the Fourth World Congress on the Square of Opposition, Pontifical Lateran University, Vatican, May 5-9, 2014.
    => slides available in PDF format.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans, Smessaert (May 2014). 'Algebraic and Cognitive Aspects of Presenting Aristotelian Diagrams'. Talk at the Fourth World Congress on the Square of Opposition, Pontifical Lateran University, Vatican, May 5-9, 2014.
    => slides available in PDF format.
  • Smessaert, Hans (May 2014). 'The Logical Geometry of the Rhombic Dodecahedron of Oppositions'. Talk at the Fourth World Congress on the Square of Opposition, Pontifical Lateran University, Vatican, May 5-9, 2014.
    => slides available in PDF format.
  • Smessaert, Hans (November 30, 2013). 'La géométrie logique du dodécaèdre rhombique des oppositions'. Talk as invited spreaker at the Colloque International sur Le carré et ses extensions: Aspects théoriques, pratiques et historiques, Université de Tunis, November 29-30, 2013.
    => slides / preprint available in PDF format.
  • Smessaert, Hans (July 4, 2012). 'Boolean Differences between two Hexagonal Extensions of the Logical Square of Oppositions'. Talk at the Diagrams 2012 Conference: the 7th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams, University of Kent, Canterbury, July 2-6, 2012.
    => paper available in PDF format from Springer.
  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (2012). 'Information in the Square of Oppositions'. Talk at Trends in Logic XI. Studia Logica International Conference, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, June 3rd-5th, 2012.
  • Smessaert, Hans (22 december 2011). 'Why some Hexagons of Opposition are fragments: Sesmat-Blanché vs Sherwood-Czezowski'. Talk at Logic Now and Then 2 (LNAT2), H.U.Brussel, December 21-22, 2011.
  • Smessaert, Hans (23 juli 2011). 'On the hybrid nature of the Aristotelian Square and the Sesmat-Blanché hexagon'. Talk at the Symposium on the Logic of Opposition (affiliated symposium of CLMPS14: 14th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Université de Nancy (July 19-26, 2011)
  • Smessaert, Hans (April 2011). 'On the interaction between aspectual adverbs and negation in counterfactual conditionals'. Talk at Chronos 10: 10th international conference on tense, aspect, modality and evidentiality. April 18-20, 2011. Aston University, Birmingham (UK).
  • Smessaert, Hans (17 september 2010) . 'The lexicalisation of elementary imperfective quantification in Dutch versus English'. Talk at A Germanic Sandwich 2010: Dutch between English and German. A comparative linguistic conference. University of Oldenburg, Germany, 17-18 September 2010.
  • Smessaert, Hans (20 June 2010). 'The Classical Aristotelian hexagon versus the Modern Duality hexagon'. Talk at the Second International Conference on The Square of Oppositions, University of Corsica, Corte, 17-20 June 2010.
  • Smessaert, Hans (November 5, 2008). 'A three-valued approach to the (non-)conservativity and (co-)intersectivity of (not) all and (not) only '. Talk at the conference Logic Now and Then HUBrussel, 5-7 November 2008.
  • Smessaert, Hans (2 May 2008). 'Wait’ll (you hear) the next one: a case for an enclitic preposition and complementizer'. Talk at the Conference to celebrate Jerry Sadock’s academic life and retirement, University of Chicago, May 2-3, 2008.
  • Smessaert, Hans (1-3 June 2007). 'On the 3D-visualisation of logical relations'. Talk at the International Conference on The Square of Oppositions, Montreux, Switserland, 1-3 juni 2007.
  • Deschamps, Karen & Hans Smessaert (18 September 2006). 'Deontic modality in legal texts. The lexicalisation of deontic concepts in Dutch legislation'. Talk at the Seventh Chronos Conference, Universiteit Antwerpen, 18-20 September 2006.
  • Smessaert, Hans (8 June 2006). 'The lexicalisation of imperfective quantification and the scope of negation'. Talk at the First Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics, K.U.Brussel & Vlekho, June 8-9, 2006.
  • Verbrugge, Sara, Hans Smessaert & William Van Belle (9 July 2005). 'Distinguishing between content conditionals and inferential conditionals: some experimental evidence'. Talk at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 6-9 juli 2005.
  • Smessaert, Hans & William Van Belle (February 2005). 'From manner adverbial to epistemic discourse marker: the case of Dutch anders'. Talk at the conference From ideational to interpersonal: perspectives from grammaticalization, K.U.Leuven, 10-12 February 2005.
  • Smessaert, Hans (22 September 2004). 'The evaluation of aspectual distance, speed and progress'. Talk at the Sixth Chronos Conference, Université de Genève, 22-24 September 2004
  • ter Meulen, Alice G.B. & Hans Smessaert (30 July 2001). 'Dynamic Temporal reasoning with aspectual adverbials'. Talk at the conference Temporality and Discourse Context: Dynamic and Modal Approaches, Dundee, Schotland.
  • Smessaert, Hans (18 December 2000). 'Aspectual duality, focus and quantification'. Talk at the conference Sinn und Bedeutung V, Amsterdam, 18-20 december 2000.
  • Smessaert, Hans (8 December 2000). 'Aspectual negation and distance with Dutch bijna (almost) and net niet (nearly)'. Talk at the conference Discourse Particles, modal and focal particles and all that stuff..., Brussel, 8-9 december 2000.
  • Smessaert, Hans (19 May 2000). 'Aspectual quantification and focus with Dutch “bijna” (almost)'. Talk at the Fourth Chronos Conference, Université de Nice, 18-20 mei 2000.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Alice G.B. ter Meulen (25 February 2000). 'Temporal reasoning with aspectual adverbials'. Talk at the European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop on Temporal Reasoning in Discourse, Institut des Sciences Cognitives, Lyon, 23-25 februari 2000.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Alice G.B. ter Meulen(30 October 1998). 'Temporal reasoning with aspectual adverbials'. Talk at the Third Chronos Conference, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, Valenciennes, 29-30 oktober 1998.
  • Smessaert, Hans (4 August 1994). 'A hierarchy of pragmatic functions. Some evidence from West Flemish and English'. Talk at the 21st International Systemic Functional Congress, 1-5 augustus 1994, R.U. Gent.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Ludo Vangilbergen (29 May 1990). 'The scope of Aktionsart : Aktionsart and thematic roles’, Talk at the Eurotra Annual Workshop, Noordwijkerhout (Nederland).
  • Smessaert, Hans (12 September 1989). 'On the semantics of complex determination'. Talk at the conference Eurotra Annual Workshop, Vimeiro (Portugal).

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Andere lezingen / Other talks

  • Smessaert, Hans (19 April 2023). 'Terminologische knelpunten bij de Nederlandse woordsoorten'. Talk at the Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde. Gent.
  • Smessaert, Hans (28 January 2021). ‘Het onbepaald voornaamwoordelijk bijwoord: over terminologische knelpunten bij de Nederlandse woordsoorten’. Talk at the Vierendertigste Conferentie Onderwijs Nederlands (HSN34).
  • Smessaert, Hans (20 November 2019). 'Diagrams in Linguistics. Towards a Typology'. Invited talk at Doshisha University, Kyotanabe, Japan.
  • Smessaert, Hans (20 March 2019). 'Diagrammen in de Taalkunde: een voorstel tot typologie'. Talk at the Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde. Gent.
  • Smessaert, Hans (16 december 2015). ‘Anders oder sonst. Duitse pendanten van het Nederlandse bijwoord anders’. Talk at the Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde. Gent.
  • Smessaert, Hans (19 November 2014). ‘Voornaamwoordelijke bijwoorden op basis van voorzetseluitdrukkingen’. Talk at the Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde. Gent.
  • Smessaert, Hans (15 November 2014). ‘De morfoloog: spin in het web van de taalbeschouwing’. Talk at HSN28: Conferentie Onderwijs Nederlands. Katholieke Hogeschool Vives, Brugge.
  • Smessaert, Hans (5 June 2014). 'An Introduction to Logical Geometry'. Talk at the Research Group on Formal and Computational Linguistics, KU Leuven.
    => slides available in PDF format.
  • Smessaert, Hans (15 May 2013). 'Het bijwoord/voegwoord nu'. Talk at the Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde. Gent.
  • Smessaert, Hans (11 June 2012). 'Duality and reversibility: squares versus crosses'. Talk at the Logical Geometry/NOT-workshop , KU Leuven.
  • Smessaert, Hans (21 March 2012). 'Hoe lang duurt het al/nog? Over de lexicalisatie van elementaire imperfectieve kwantificatie'. Talk at the Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde. Gent.
  • Smessaert, Hans (16 March 2011). ‘Hoe? Zo ? Nee, anders. Hoezo, anders?’. Talk at the Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde. Gent.
  • Smessaert, Hans (22 June 2010). 'Duality and reversibility relations beyond the square'. Talk at the Third NOT-workshop (N-Opposition Theory), Université de Nice, 22-23 June 2010.
  • Smessaert, Hans (23 January 2010). 'On the fourth Aristotelian relation of Opposition: subalternation versus non-contradiction'. Talk at the Second NOT-workshop (N-Opposition Theory), K.U.Leuven.
  • Smessaert, Hans (14 March 2009). 'The Classical Aristotelian hexagon versus the Modern Duality hexagon'. Talk at the First NOT-workshop on the Geometry of Oppositions, Neuchâtel, Switserland, 14 March 2009.
  • Verbrugge, Sara & Hans Smessaert (17-19 december 2008). “Als dit niet interessant is, dan weet ik het niet meer”. Conditionele zinnen en indirecte argumentatie'. Talk at the VI0T 2008 congres, Vereniging Interuniversitair Overleg Taalbeheersing, Amsterdam, 17-19 december 2008.
  • Deschamps, Karen & Hans Smessaert (17-19 december 2008). “Negatieve formuleringen in regelgevende teksten”. Talk at the VI0T 2008 congres, Vereniging Interuniversitair Overleg Taalbeheersing, Amsterdam, 17-19 december 2008.
  • Smessaert, Hans & William Van Belle (November 14, 2008). 'Zinsontleding: leren redeneren met je moedertaal'. Talk at the 22e Conferentie Het Schoolvak Nederlands, Brussel, 14-15 november 2008.
  • Verbrugge, Sara & Hans Smessaert (8 December 2005). 'Als je het nu nog niet begrijpt, dan is er een probleem. Indirecte inferenties bij conditionele zinnen'. Talk at the V10T 2005 conference of the Vereniging Interuniversitair Overleg Taalbeheersing (Viot), Radbound University, Nijmegen, 7-9 December 2005.
  • Smessaert, Hans & Sara Verbrugge (8 December 2005). 'Eerst zien en dan geloven: de lexicalisatie van inferentiële versus meta-inferentiële conditionele zinnen'. Talk at the V10T 2005 conference of the Vereniging Interuniversitair Overleg Taalbeheersing (Viot), Radbound University, Nijmegen, 7-9 December 2005.
  • Smessaert, Hans (8 May 2004). 'Proportionaliteit, dualiteit en scalaire implicaturen met de kwantor de meeste'. Talk at the Lente-taaldag of the Belgische Kring voor Linguïstiek, 8 May 2004, Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis, Brussel.
  • Smessaert, Hans (10 May 2003). 'Elementaire imperfectieve kwantificatie en het bereik van negatie: een onomasiologische benadering'. Talk at the Lente-taaldag of the Belgische Kring voor Linguïstiek, 10 May 2003, K.U.Brussel.
  • Smessaert, Hans (6 March 2003). 'Negatie en elementaire imperfectieve kwantificatie in het Nederlands: een onomasiologische verkenning'. Talk at the K.U.Leuven (Department of Linguistics, Working Group Dutch Syntax).
  • Smessaert, Hans & Dirk Speelman (16 December 1999). 'MORFICON. Een hypertekstinleiding tot de Lexicale Morfologie van het Nederlands'. Talk at the Morfologiedagen 1999, 15-16 December, UFSIA (Antwerpen).
  • Smessaert, Hans & Alice G.B. ter Meulen (25 juni 1999). 'Interpreting aspectual adverbs: the interaction of polarity, perspective and expectation'. Talk at the Universiteit Utrecht (OTS Colloquium).
  • Smessaert, Hans (8 May 1999). 'Graadaanduiders in het Nederlands: een voorstel tot typologie'. Talk at the Voorjaarstaaldag van de Belgische Kring voor Linguïstiek, 8 mei 1999, K.U.Leuven (Department of Linguistics).
  • Smessaert, Hans (26 March 1999). 'Adverbia van continuïteit en focus in het Nederlands en het Frans'. Talk at the Colloquium Contrastief Taalonderzoek Nederlands Frans, 26-27 maart 1999, K.U.Leuven (Department of Linguistics).
  • ter Meulen, Alice G.B. & Hans Smessaert (26 February 1999). 'Aspectuele adverbia in het Engels en het Nederlands'. Talk at the 2nd GrAm-dag, 26 februari 1999, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Departement Filosofie)
  • Smessaert, Hans (23 September 1997). 'Wait'll you hear this one:over voegwoordelijke enclise in het Engels'. Talk at the Morfologiedagen 1997 (Luik, 23-24 september 1997).
  • Smessaert, Hans & Jeannine Beeken (16 January 1995). 'De syntaxis van Nederlandse voeg- en bijwoorden : een eerste terreinverkenning'. Talk at the K.U.Leuven (Department of Linguistics, Werkgroep Connectoren).
  • Smessaert, Hans (28 May 1994). 'Kubussen, Hexagons en Vierkanten : een inleiding in de Logische Geometrie'. Talk at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Vakgroepen Nederlands en Engels).
  • Smessaert, Hans (4 February 1994). 'The Logical Geometry of comparison and quantification : an informal introduction'. Talk at Indiana University Bloomington (Department of Linguistics).
  • Smessaert, Hans (25 & 27 January 1994). 'Linguistic applications of Boolean Algebra'. Talk at the University of Chicago (Department of Linguistics) in the series Mathematical Linguistics.
  • Smessaert, Hans (19 January 1994). 'Cubes, Hexagons and Squares : an introduction to Logical Geometry'. Talk at the University of Chicago (Department of Linguistics).
  • Smessaert, Hans (9 June 1992). 'On the three-dimensional origins of the Square of Oppositions'. Talk at Indiana University Bloomington (Department of Philosophy).
  • Smessaert, Hans (11 December 1991). 'Enkele verschillen tussen nominale en aspectuele kwantificatie. Een informele presentatie van een formeel-semantische benadering'. Talk at the K.U.Leuven (Department of Linguistics).

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Aangeboden ter publicatie / Submitted for publication

  • Demey, Lorenz & Hans Smessaert (2023). 'Aristotelian and Boolean Properties of the Keynes-Johnson Octagon of Opposition'.

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In voorbereiding / In preparation

  • Smessaert, Hans & Lorenz Demey. The Logical Geometry of the Boolean Algebra B_4.
  • Smessaert, Hans. 'Voornaamwoordelijke bijwoorden op basis van voorzetseluitdrukkingen'.
  • Smessaert, Hans. ‘Diagrammatische representaties in de (Nederlandse) taalkunde. Een voorstel tot typologie’.

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Thesissen / Theses

  • Smessaert, Hans (June 1993). The Logical Geometry of Comparison and Quantification. A cross-categorial analysis of Dutch determiners and aspectual adverbs, 329 pp.
    supervision: Prof. Dr. F.G. Droste en Prof. Dr. Alice G.B. ter Meulen;
    degree: Doctor in de Taal- en Letterkunde : Germaanse Talen/PhD. in Linguistics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
  • Smessaert, Hans (June 1988). An Auto-lexical Syntax Approach to Pronominal Cliticization in West Flemish, 74 pp.
    supervision: Prof. Dr. Jerrold M. Sadock en Prof. Dr. Willem J. De Reuse;
    degree: Master of Arts in Linguistics, University of Chicago.
  • Smessaert, Hans (September 1987). Strong Cross-over in Dutch. A formal-syntactic description and a possible semantic foundation, 224 pp.
    supervision: Prof. Dr. F.G. Droste;
    degree: Licentiaat in de Germaanse Filologie/Bachelor of Arts in Germanic Philology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.

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Interne rapporten / Internal reports

  • Deschamps, Karen & Hans Smessaert (2007). (Non-)modal uses of the present indicative in Dutch legislation. Preprint 263. Subfaculteit Taalkunde, K.U.Leuven. 15 pp.
  • Van Canegem-Ardijns, Ingrid; Hans Smessaert & William Van Belle (2007). Adpositional constructions of location and direction in Dutch. Preprint 260. Subfaculteit Taalkunde, K.U.Leuven. 64 pp.
  • Verbrugge, Sara, Hans Smessaert & Kristien Dieussaert (2007). Syntactic and semantic differences between content and inferential conditionals: compatibility tasks and reading time studies. Preprint 112. Subfaculteit Taal- en Letterkunde, K.U.Leuven Campus Kortrijk. 34 pp.
  • Smessaert, Hans & William Van Belle (2006). From manner adverbial to attitudinal discourse marker: the case of Dutch 'anders'. Preprint 240. Department of Linguistics, K.U.Leuven. 36 pp.
  • Smessaert, Hans (2005). The evaluation of aspectual distance, speed and progress. Preprint 226. Department of Linguistics, K.U.Leuven. 16 pp.
  • Verbrugge, Sara, Kristien Dieussaert, Walter Schaeken, Hans Smessaert & William Van Belle (2004). Pronounced inferences. A study on inferential conditionals. Preprint 213. Department of Linguistics, K.U.Leuven. 31 pp.
  • Cornillie, Bert; Dagmar Divjak, Karel van den Eynde, Hans Smessaert & Jose Tummers (2001). From endotactic to epitactic subordination in Dutch. Preprint 179. Department of Linguistics, K.U.Leuven. 44 pp.

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