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NRG4 :: Accommodation

For your convenience we have reserved more than 160 rooms at different hotels situated in the centre of Leuven (the number of rooms reserved per hotel is indicated in brackets in the list below). Since several conferences take place in Leuven in the first half of July 2008, it is advisable to book as soon as possible. Please make reservations directly with the hotel of your choice, and be sure to mention "Linguistics Conference NRG4" and ask for the K.U.Leuven rate.

The hotels that do not appear in our list were either fully booked or preferred not to reserve blocks of rooms for us. Needless to say you can always try to find a room in one of these other hotels.


K.U.Leuven - CWIS Copyright © Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | Comments on the content: nrg4arts.kuleuven.be
Production: Lieven Vandelanotte | Most recent update: 20/07/08
URL: http://wwwling.arts.kuleuven.be/nrg4