QITL-5: Information for presenters



Abstracts should:

  • be anonymous at first submission (please also avoid explicit and excessive self-references in running text) [and contain author information at final submission]
  • contain 500 to 1000 words, excluding references and figures/tables
  • be in English with consistent British OR American spelling
  • be submitted in PDF format at first submission [and in .doc or .tex format at final submission]

At first submission, abstracts are not required to follow specific formatting. However, upon acceptance, authors will be asked to submit a final version of their abstract for the proceedings volume which does adhere strictly to our stylesheet. We therefore advise authors to follow this stylesheet already at first submission. Templates for the stylesheet are available in .doc and .tex format. An example of an anonymous abstract is available here. An example of a final abstract by authors from one institution is available here. An example of a final abstract by authors from two different institutions is available here. All accepted abstracts will be printed in the conference booklet, and will be made available online, as well as slides and posters, which will be downloadable from the conference web site after the conference.

Oral presentations

  • Presenters have 30 minutes for their actual presentation, followed by 10 minutes for discussion.
  • A laptop (running MS-Windows 7) will be available for the presentations. There will be access to the Internet.
  • It is also possible to use your own laptop, should you wish to do so.

Poster presentations

  • Right before the actual poster session we want to 'introduce the posters' using a presentation that has one slide per poster. Therefore we want to ask all poster presenters to send us a 'one slide presentation' that briefly introduces their poster (Powerpoint of PDF) by September 6th. We will then combine these 'one slide presentations' into one slide show. (For practical reasons it will be the conference organisers, and not the posters presenters themselves, who will present that slide show at the conference).
  • Poster panels will be one meter wide and two meter high.