QLVL members - Melanie Röthlisberger

Melanie Röthlisberger studied English Literature and Linguistics and General History at the Universities of Basel (B.A.), Zurich and Manchester (M.A.). She obtained her masters degree in 2011. After working on her own PhD project for two years, she joined the QLVL research group in February 2014. She is currently working on her PhD thesis entitled "The dative alternation across varieties of English" under the joined supervision of Prof. Marianne Hundt (University of Zurich), Prof. Benedikt Szmrecsanyi (KU Leuven) and Dr. Jason Grafmiller (KU Leuven).
E-mail: melanie.rothlisberger@kuleuven.be
Phone: +32 16 37 78 14
Surface mail: Department of Linguistics, Blijde-Inkomststraat 21 PO
Box 03308, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium
Office: room 02.39 of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Leuven
Melanie's research interests include grammatical phenomena from a diachronic as well as synchronic perspective, and cognitive aspects of language use. She has been involved in the compilation of various corpora, including ARCHER 3.2, B-Brown (the AmE 1930s prequel to the Brown family), and ICE-Fiji. Her PhD thesis is part of a project that seeks to model language users' implicit grammatical knowledge.
Röthlisberger, Melanie, Jason Grafmiller & Benedikt Szmrecsanyi (to appear). "Cognitive indigenization effects in the English dative alternation".Cognitive Linguistics.[pdf manuscript]
Szmrecsanyi, Benedikt, Jason Grafmiller, Benedikt Heller and Melanie Röthlisberger (to appear). "Around the world in three alternations: modeling syntactic variation in varieties of English." English World-Wide, 37(2).[pdf final version]
Röthlisberger, Melanie & Gerold Schneider (2013). "Of-genitive versus s-genitive: A corpus-based analysis of possessive constructions in 20th-century English". In: Bennett, Paul, Martin Durrell, Silke Scheible & Richard J. Whitt. New Methods in Historical Corpora. Tübingen, 163-180.