Elisabeth Zima


I am a doctoral student in the Department of linguistics at the University of Leuven. In 2006, I was awarded an MA degree in Romance languages (emphasize on French linguistics) from the University of my hometown Vienna in Austria. The same year, I moved to Leuven, where I followed a one-year interuniversity post-initial master program in Functional and Cognitive linguistics. Since October 2007, I am working on a PhD project under the supervision of CHIL members Prof. dr. Kurt Feyaerts and dr. Paul Sambre on intersubjective meaning construction and its creative exploitation in interactional political discourse.


E-mail: firstname.lastname AD gmail.com
vanaf 1 juli 2012: firstname.lastname AD frias.uni-freiburg.de

Klik hier voor de link naar FRIAS (Freiburg).

Research interests

My research focus lies on Cognitive Grammar accounts of meaning coordination and its dynamic negotiation in interactional language use. I am particularly interested in how speakers in adversarial discourse constellations echo the formal linguistic input of their interlocutors while exploiting and playing with its vast meaning potential. For that purpose, I am working on a self-compiled multi-modal corpus (audiovisual material and transcriptions) of interactional sequences of French and Austrian parliamentary debates.  
My research interests thus include

  • Cognitive Grammar approaches to intersubjective meaning coordination
  • Models of interactional discourse dynamics
  • Online semantic creativity
  • Opportunistic resonance activation (echoing for adversarial purposes)
  • Developing an essentially usage-based methodology for the study of parliamentary discourse
  • Minority language policy (see MA thesis, University of Vienna)



Here are a few of my publications. For a complete list, see the CHIL publication list and the pdf-file below:
  • E. Zima, G. Brône, K. Feyaerts & P. Sambre. “Ce n’est pas très beau ce que vous avez dit”. Resonance activation in French parliamentary debates. Submitted to Discours. Revue de linguistique, psycholinguistique et informatique.
  • E.Zima, G. Brône & K. Feyaerts. Submitted. Patterns of interaction in Austrian parliamentary debates. The pragmasemantics of interruptive comments. In: Cornelia Ilie (ed). European Parliaments under Scrutiny: Discourse strategies and interaction practices. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 
  • E. Zima, G. Brône, K. Feyaerts & P. Sambre. 2008. Resonance activation in interactional parliamentary discourse. In: Wiebke Ramm & Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen (eds.). Linearisation and Segmentation in Discourse. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Discourse 2008 (MAD 08), Feb 20-23 2008, Lysebu, Oslo, Norway.

Click here for a complete list of my publications.