CHIL publications

This page contains all publications by (former) members of the CHIL research unit, sorted by publication type and in reversed chronological order (starting from 2003). Some of the publications are available online as downloadable PDFs.

1. Books as authors
2. Books and special issues as editors
3. Papers in international peer-reviewed journals
4. Chapters and articles in books
5. Papers in conference proceedings
6. Reviews and book notices
7. Technical reports

1. Books as authors

[2010] G. Brône. Bedeutungskonstitution in verbalem Humor. Ein kognitiv-linguistischer und diskurssemantischer Ansatz. (Reihe: Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft). Bern/Berlin/Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. [pdf]


2. Books and special issues as editors

[in preparation] G. Brône & E. Zima. Interactional Discourse in Cognitive Linguistics. Theory, Methods, and Application.

[in preparation] T. Veale, K. Feyaerts & C. Forceville. The Agile Mind: Creativity in Discourse and Art.

[in preparation/Autumn 2011] P. Sambre, B. Van Huffel & W. Segers. Michel Foucault: Vertoog en politiek. Leuven: Acco.

[in preparation] G. Brône, K. Feyaerts & T. Veale. Cognitive Linguistics meet Humor Research. Current Trends and New Developments. (series: Applications of Cognitive Linguistics). Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

[2010] P. Sambre & C. Wermuth. Framing: from grammar to application.
Thematic issue of Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 24. (ISBN 978 90 272 2684 6)

[2009] G. Brône & J. Vandaele. Cognitive Poetics. Goals, Gains and Gaps (series: Applications of Cognitive Linguistics 10). Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. [book URL]

[2006] G. Brône, K. Feyaerts & T. Veale. Guest edition of a special issue of Humor. International Journal of Humor Research on 'cognitive-linguistic approaches to humor'. Humor 19-3.

[2003] K. Feyaerts. The Bible through Metaphor and Translation. A Cognitive Semantic Perspective (series: Religions & Discourse 15). Bern/Berlin/Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.


3. Papers in international peer-reviewed journals

[submitted] E.Zima. Dialogic Syntax and Cognitive Grammar: Exploring Potential Synergies. Review of Cognitive Linguistics

[submitted] E.Zima. Participant roles in Austrian parliamentary debates: a multimodal approach. Journal of Language and Politics.

[submitted] G. Brône & E. Zima. Towards a dialogic construction grammar. Ad hoc routines and resonance activation. Cognitive Linguistics. (Special issue on Dialogic Syntax, ed. by. R. Giora & J.W. Du Bois)

[submitted] Nele Nivelle & Geert Brône. Counterfactual conditionals in argumentative legal discourse: a cognitive linguistic analysis. Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics. [pdf]

[2011] K. Jaspaert, F. Van de Velde, G. Brône, K. Feyaerts & D. Geeraerts. Does framing work? An empirical study of Simplifying Models for sustainable food production. Cognitive Linguistics. [pdf]

[2011] P. Sambre. Meaning dynamics in emergent natural language definitions. A two-matrix methods for semasiological analysis in corpus linguistics. RILA - Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata 43(1).

[2011] P. Sambre. Fleshing out language and intersubjectivity: an exploration of Merleau-Ponty's legacy to cognitive linguistics. Cognitive Semiotics, Companion Theme Issue on The intersubjectivity of embodiment (ed. R. Fusaroli et al.)

[2010] S. Schoonjans & K. Feyaerts. Die Übersetzung von Modalpartikeln als Indiz ihres Grammatikalisierungsgrades: die französischen Pendants von denn und eigentlich. Linguistik Online (44).

[2010] S. Schoonjans & P. Lauwers. La traduction des particules denn et eigentlich : entre désémantisation et persistance sémantique. Zeitschrift für Französische Sprache und Literatur, 120 (2), 115-132.

[2010] G. Brône & S. Coulson. Processing deliberate ambiguity in newspaper headlines: double grounding. Discourse Processes. [pdf]

[2010] P. Sambre & C. Wermuth. Causal Framing for Medical Instrumentality: Applied Ontology and Frame-Based Construction Grammar. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 24, 163-191.

[2010] P. Sambre. Introduction: Framing from grammar to application. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 24, 1-15.

[2009] P. Sambre. La futurità delle nanotecnologie: per una visione dinamica della definizione terminologica. Mediazioni, Rivista online di studi interdisciplinari su lingue e culture. 38 pp. , [pdf]

[2009] E. Zima, G. Brône, K. Feyaerts & P. Sambre. “Ce n’est pas très beau ce que vous avez dit”. Resonance activation in French parliamentary debates. Submitted to Discours. Revue de linguistique, psycholinguistique et informatique. [full version]

[2009] G. Stuyckens & G. Brône. "Brauchbarkeit von Korpora des geschriebenen Deutsch für DaF-Lehrende. Eine Fallstudie. Deutsch als Fremdsprache 2009-1, 1-12. [pdf]

[2008] G. Brône. Hyper- and misunderstanding in interactional humor. Journal of Pragmatics 40-12: 2027-2061. [pdf]

[2007] P. Sambre. Être dans tous ses états. Vers une description conceptuelle du verbe être dans la définition en langue naturelle, Cognitextes 1-1: 44-71. [pdf]

[2006] K. Feyaerts. A Dynamic account of phraseological meaning: Creative variation in headlines and conversational humor. International Journal of English Studies . Special Issue on new Appraoches to Phraseology. (F. M. Martinez, ed.), 6-1: 57-84. [full version]

[2006] G. Brône, K. Feyaerts & T. Veale. Introduction: Cognitive linguistic approaches to humor. Humor. International Journal of Humor Research. 19-3: 203-228. [pdf]

[2006] T. Veale, K. Feyaerts & G. Brône. The cognitive mechanisms of adversarial humor. Humor. International Journal of Humor Research. 19-3: 305-339. [pdf]

[2005] K. Feyaerts & G. Brône. Expressivity and metonymic inferencing: Stylistic variation in non-literary language use. Style. 39-1: 12-35. [pdf]

[2004] G. Brône & K. Feyaerts. Assessing the SSTH and GTVH: A view from Cognitive Linguistics. Humor. International Journal of Humor Research. 17-4: 361-372. [pdf]


4. Chapters and articles in books

[submitted] P. Sambre. Blurring boundaries of the (nano)future in Italian. In: P. Heynderickx et al. (eds). New trends in business and institutional communication. Bern: Peter Lang. 21 p.

[in press] P. Sambre. Multimodal blending and musical creativity. Dualities in the quixotry of Richard Strauss, Jan Sandström and Christian Linberg. In: T. Vaele, K. Feyaerts & Ch. Forceville (eds). Creativity and The Agile Mind: A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Multifaceted Phenomenon. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

[in press] E. Zima. Online semantic creativity in parliamentary debates. In: T. Vaele, K. Feyaerts & Ch. Forceville (eds). Creativity and The Agile Mind: A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Multifaceted Phenomenon. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

[in press] P. Sambre. Foucaults on-vertogen legaat aan de kritische discoursanalyse [On Foucault's contribution to Critical Discourse Analysis]. In: P. Sambre, B. Van Huffel & W. Segers (eds.). Michel Foucault: Vertoog en politiek.Leuven: Acco.

[in press for 2011] E. Zima & G. Brône. Ad hoc Konstruktionen in der Interaktion: eine korpusbasierte Studie dialogischer Resonanzherstellung. In: Lasch, Alexander & Ziem, Alexander (Hgg.). Konstruktionsgrammatik III: Aktuelle Fragen und Lösungsansätze. Tübingen: Stauffenburg.

[in press] P. Sambre. Layers of intersubjectivity in natural language definitions. In Cognitive Linguistics Applied. Ed. By Luchjenbroers, J. & M. Aldridge. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [pdf]

[2010] E. Zima, G. Brône & K. Feyaerts. Patterns of interaction in Austrian parliamentary debates. On the pragmasemantics of unauthorized interruptive comments. In: Cornelia Ilie (Ed). European Parliaments under Scrutiny: Discourse strategies and interaction practices. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [pdf]

[2010] P. Sambre & C. Wermuth. Instrumentality in cognitive concept modeling. In: F. Steurs and M. Theelen (eds.), Terminology in Society. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [pdf]

[2009] J. Vandaele & G. Brône. Cognitive Poetics. A critical introduction. In: G. Brône & J. Vandaele (Eds.), Cognitive Poetics. Goals, Gains & Gaps. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1-29. [pdf]

[2008] P. Sambre. Over de sfeer van de paradox in Alain Finkelkraut en diens standvastige dubbelgangers. In: B. Van Nuffel & W. Segers (Eds.), Frankrijk en het Jood-zijn. Leuven: Acco, 147-156.

[2007] P. Sambre. Al son del trombón. Integración conceptual y multimodalidad en el concierto para trombón n°2 Don Quixote de Jan Sandström. In: L. Behiels (Ed.) Tras las huellas de Don Quijote. Actas de la jornada dedicada Don Quijote de la Mancha. Brussels : Ministerio de Educació y Ciencia de España. pp. 157-170.

[2007] G. Brône. Lemma over ‘cognitieve literatuurwetenschap’ in het Lexicon van Literaire Termen(ed. H. Van Gorp et al.). Groningen: Nijhoff.

[2006] K. Feyaerts & A. Gilleir. ‘Die Revolution findet wegen schlechten Wetters im Saale statt’. Duitse politieke satire in tijdschrift en cabaret. In: M. Beyen & J. Verberckmoes (Eds.), Humor en identiteit. Leuvense Historische Studiën, 53-86.

[2006] K. Feyaerts. Phraseology of Dutch. In: H. Burger, D. Dobrovol’skij, P. Kühn & N. R. Norrick (eds.), Phraseologie/Phraseology (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikations-wissenschaft), 644-654. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter

[2006] P. Sambre. Definition in natural language between cognitive interactionism and conceptual integration. In: J.P. Verckens & S. Carliner (Eds.), Information and Document Design: Varieties in recent research. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 209-229.

[2005] P. Sambre. Blended conceptualisation in trade flow diagrams: from cognitive highlighting to fictive motion, a French-Italian perspective. In: G. Erreygers & G. Jacobs (Eds.), Language, Communication and the Economy. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 101-125.

[2005] P. Sambre. Some of these days. Over conceptuele (des)integratie in Sartres La Nausée. In: B. Van Huffel & W. Segers (Eds.), Sartres verjaardagen. Gaven en giften. Leuven: Acco, 211-224.
[2005] P. Sambre. Equivalence relations in natural definition: from scanning to conceptual integration. A Dutch-French perspective. In: Annalisa Baicchi et al. (Eds), Modelling Thought and Constructing Meaning: Cognitive Models in Interaction. Milano: Angeli, 137-146.

[2005] G. Brône & K. Feyaerts. Headlines and cartoons in the economic press: Double grounding as a discourse supportive strategy. In: G. Jacobs & G. Erreygers (Eds.), Language, Communication and the Economy. (Vol. 16 in de reeks: Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 73-99.

[2003] K. Feyaerts.  Metaphor and Translation. Introduction to K. Feyaerts (Ed.): The Bible through Metaphor and Translation. A Cognitive Semantic Perspective: Religions & Discourse. Peter Lang, 7-12.

[2003] K. Feyaerts. Refining the Inheritance Hypothesis: Interaction between metaphoric and metonymic hierarchies. In: A. Barcelona (Ed.), Metaphor and Metonymy at the Crossroads. Berlin/New York, Mouton de Gruyter, 59-78.


5. Papers in conference proceedings

[submitted] P. Sambre. Nesting polyphony in subjectification. In Lunchjenbroers, J. et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics (Cardiff, UK), to be published by London: Continuum.

[accepted] P. Sambre. Il reportage marketing come spazio vettoriale. Una prospettiva cognitivo-discorsiva italo-belga. Proceedings of the XVI Convegno AIPI (Associazione Internazionale Professori d’italiano), Tempo e memoria nella lingua e nella letteratura italiana, Ascoli Piceno (Italy), 23-26 August 2006.

[2011] P. Sambre. Tessere il futuro concettuale delle isole nanotecnologiche italiane in Europa [Italian representation of nanotech], Atti AIPI, Atti del Convegno dell’Associazione Internazione Professori d’italiano, Insularità e cultura mediterranea nella lingua e nella letteratura italiane, Cagliari, Italy, 25-28 August 2010.

[2010] E. Zima & K. Feyaerts. Heckles in Austrian Parliamentary Debates. Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity in Interaction. T2PP Workshop: From Text to Political Positions. Amsterdam, 9-10 April 2010.

[2009] P. Sambre. Il vettore spazio-temporale nel reportage marketing: una prospettiva cognitivo-discorsiva italo-belga. In: Tempo e memoria nella lingua e nella letteratura italiana. [discursive vector analysis in Italian marketing communication] Atti del XVII Congresso A.I.P.I., Ascoli Piceno, 22-26 agosto 2006. Vol. I: Linguistica e didattica. pp. 115-128.

[2008] E. Zima, G. Brône, K. Feyaerts & P. Sambre. Resonance and suprasegmental coherence in interactional parliamentary discourse. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Multidisciplinary Approaches to Discourse 2008, 137-148.

[2007] P. Sambre. Saliscendi concettuali. Moto fittizio ed integrazione concettuale nella messa in parole dell’immagine grafica [Conceptual ups and downs. Fiction motion and conceptual integration in the wording of graphic images]. In: Identità e diversità nella lingua e nella letteratura italiana. Atti del XVIII Congresso dell’AISLLI Lovanio, Louvain-la-Neuve, Anversa, Bruxelles, 16-19 luglio 2003 dell'AISLLI (Associazione Internazionale Lingua e Letteratura Italiana), a cura di S. Vanvolsem et al, Firenze: Franco Cesati, 747-761.


6. Reviews and book notices

[2011] P.Sambre.. Application-Driven Terminology Engineering. Ibekwe-San Juan, F., A. Condamines and M. T. Cabré Castellvi. 200.7Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins (=Benjamins Current Topics 2), ITL International Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.159, p. 92-99.

[2010] S. Schoonjans. Review: Richard Waltereit, Abtönung. Zur Pragmatik und historischen Semantik von Modalpartikeln und ihren funktionalen Äquivalenten in romanischen Sprachen. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2006. 203pp. In: Languages in Contrast, 10 (2), 282-287.

[2010] E. Zima. Rethinking Language, Mind, and World Dialogically. Interactional and Contextual Theories of Human Sense-Making. By Per Linell. [Gesprächsforschung - Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion ; Ausgabe 11 (2010), Seite 76-88 (]

[2009] P. Sambre. Space, time, and the use of language: an investigation of relationships. By Thora Tenbrink. 2007 Berlin / New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 340 pp. € 88. [Pragmatics, Journal of the International Pragmatics Association, vol.19:2, p. 301-302]

[2009] P. Sambre Email hoaxes: form, function, genre ecology. By Theresa Heyd. Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2008 [Pragmatics, Journal of the International Pragmatics Association, vol.19:2, p. 302-303]

[2009] P. Sambre. Conceptual structure in lexical items by Kristel Proost. Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2007.  [Pragmatics, Journal of the International Pragmatics Association, vol.19:2, p. 303-304]

[2008] P. Sambre. The Artful Mind. Cognitive Science and the Riddle of Human Creativity. By M. Turner. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2006. [Pragmatics, Journal of the International Pragmatics Association, inpress]

[2008] P. Sambre. Le scienze cognitive del linguaggio. By Pennisi, A. & P. Perconti (eds.). 2006. Bologna: il Mulino. [Pragmatics, Journal of the International Pragmatics Association, inpress]

[2007] P. Sambre. Corpora in Cognitive Linguistics. Corpus-Based Approaches to Syntax and Lexis by Gries, Stefan Th. & Anatol Stefanowitsch (eds.) 2006.. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (Trends in Linguistics Studies and Monographs, 172). [Pragmatics, Journal of the International Pragmatics Association, in press]

[2007] P. Sambre. Constructions of Intersubjectivity. Discourse, Syntax, and Cognition. By Arie Verhagen. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2005. [Pragmatics, Journal of the International Pragmatics Association, inpress]

[2006] P. Sambre. A New Research Agenda in Critical Discourse Analysis: Theory and Interdisciplinarity. By Ruth Wodak (ed.). Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins [Pragmatics, Journal of the International Pragmatics Association,16: 1,p. 148-149]

[2006] P. Sambre. Figurative Language Comprehension. Social and Cultural Influences. By Herbert L. Colston & Albert N. Katz (eds.). Mahwah (NY) / London: Lawrence Erlbaum. 347 p. [Pragmatics, Journal of the International Pragmatics Association, 16: 2/3. p. 404-405]

[2006] P. Sambre. Un treno di sintomi. I medici e le parole: percorsi linguistici nel passato e nel presente. by Luca Serianni. Milano: Garzanti. 2005. 316 pp. With name and thematic index. [Pragmatics, Journal of the International Pragmatics Association, vol. 16: 4, p. 559]

[2006] P. Sambre. Ridendo e scherzando. La barzelletta come racconto. by Marina Mizzau. Bologna: il Mulino. 2005. 131 pp. [Pragmatics, Journal of the International Pragmatics Association, vol. 16: 4, p. 558-559]

[2006] P. Sambre. Parole in libertà. Un’analisi statistica e linguistica dei discorsi di Berlusconi. by S. Bolasco, L. Giuliano, N. Galli de’ Paratesi.. Roma.142 pp. [Pragmatics, Journal of the International Pragmatics Association, vol. 16, p. 556-557]

[2006] P. Sambre. Corpus-Based Approaches to Metaphor and Metonymy. by Stefanowitsch, Anatol & Stephan Th. Gries (eds.). 2006. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (Trends in Linguistics Studies and Monographs, 171). ). [Pragmatics, Journal of the International Pragmatics Association, in press]

[2005] P. Sambre. Constructing a Language. A Usage-Based Theory of Language Acquisition. By Michael Tomasello. Cambridge (Mass.) / London: Harvard University Press. 2003. 388 p. [Pragmatics, Journal of the International Pragmatics Association, in press]

[2005] P. Sambre. Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Feeling Brain. By Antonio Damasio, Arrow/Children's (A Division of Random House Group) [Pragmatics, Journal of the International Pragmatics Association,15: 2-3 (2005), p. 311-312]

[2005] P. Sambre. Cognitive Linguistics Today. by Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk & Kamila Turewicz, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2002, 704 pp. [Pragmatics, Journal of the International Pragmatics Association, 15: 2-3 (2005), p. 309-310]

[2005] P. Sambre.  Nexus Analysis. Discourse and the emerging Internet. By Ron Scollon and Suzie Wong. London / New York: Routledge. 2004. xvi + 198 pp. [Pragmatics, Journal of the International Pragmatics Association, 15: 1 (2005), p. 136-137]

[2004] P. Sambre. Vormen van verklaren: de globale structuur van alledaagse verklarende teksten, by Patrick Meuris, Gent: Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde, 2002, 400 p. [Pragmatics 14:1(2004), p. 91-92]

[2004] P. Sambre. Defining Language, A local grammar of definition sentences, by G. Barnbrook, Amsterdam: Benjamins, Studies in Corpus Ling. 11 [Pragmatics 14 (2004), p. 91-92]

[2004] P. Sambre. Thematics. Interdisciplinary studies, by Max Louwerse and Willie van Peel (eds.), Amsterdam: John Benjamins, Converging Evidence in Language and Communication, x + 448 p. [Pragmatics 14: 1 (2004), p. 96-97]

[2004] Paul Sambre. Imaginary trialogues: Conceptual blending and fictive interaction in criminal courts, by E. Pascual, LOT Dissertation Series 68, 2002  [Pragmatics 14:1(2004), p. 91-92]

[2003] G. Brône. Metonymy and Pragmatic Inferencing, uitgegeven door Klaus-Uwe Panther & Linda Thornburg. In: LinguistList Reviews online 14.3105 (13-11-2003).

[2003]G. Brône. Cognitive Stylistics: Language and Cognition in Text Analysis, uitgegeven door Elena Semino & Jonathan Culpeper. In: LinguistList Reviews online 14.880 (26-03-2003).

[2003] J. Vandaele. ‘Traducción y censura inglés-español: 1939-1985. Estudio preliminar’ (Rosa Rabadán, ed. 2000)’. In: Target (15:2).

[2003] P. Sambre.  Mensch, Computer, Interaktion: sprachwissenschaftliche Aspekte, by Wagner, Yus, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2002, 409 p.  [Pragmatics 13:2 (2003), p. 318]

[2003] P. Sambre. Metaphor: a practical introduction, by Z. Kovecses, S. Csabi. Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2002, 285 p. [Pragmatics 13:1 (2003), p. 190-191]

[2003] P. Sambre. La parole en action. Eléments de pragmatique psycho-sociale, by Laurent Filliettaz, Québec: Editions Nota bene (Langue et pratiques discursives). 2002. 395 p. [Pragmatics 13:1 (2003), p. 189]


7. Dissertations

[2011] E. Zima. Kognition in der Interaktion. Eine kognitiv-linguistische Studie dialogischer Bedeutungskonstitution in österreichischen Parlamentsdebatten. Supervisors: Kurt Feyaerts & Paul Sambre

[2010] G. Brône. Bedeutungskonstitution in verbalem Humor. Ein kognitiv-linguistischer und diskurssemantischer Ansatz.
Supervisor: Kurt Feyaerts
