CHIL presentations

This page contains all presentations by (former) members of the CHIL research unit at international conferences and workshops, sorted by year and in reversed chronological order (starting from 2000).


2010 – in preparation, under reviewing 

Paul Sambre & Geert Brône. The polyphonic future, Intersubjective and modal shifts through multiple time lenses in discourse. Theme session on Gurure Tense(s) / Future Time(s), Societas Linguistica Europaea SLE 43rd Annual Meeting, Vilnius (Lituania), 2-5 September 2010. (under reviewing)

Paul Sambre. Tessere il futuro concettuale delle isole nanotecnologiche italiane in Europa. XIX Congresso AIPI (Associazione Internazionale professori di italiano), “La cultura mediterranea nella letteratura e nella lingua italiana, Cagliari (Italy), August 2010. (in preparation)

Bert Oben & Geert Brône. A multifocal account of multimodal interaction. 4th Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS), European University Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder (Germany), 25-30 July 2010. (in preparation)

Geert Brône & Bert Oben. Bidirectionality in multimodal interaction: evidence from eye movements. International conference on conversation analysis, Mannheim University (Germany), 4-8 July 2010. (in preparation)

Bert Oben & Geert Brône. A 3D-landscape of multimodal interaction. 4th International Conference on Language, Culture and Mind 2010, Turku (Finland), 21-23 June 2010. (in preparation).

Paul Sambre. Intersubjectivity: some notes on the phenomenological legacy of Merleau-Ponty on cognitive linguistics. 4th International Conference on Language, Culture and Mind 2010, Turku (Finland), 21-23 June 2010. (in preparation).

Paul Sambre. Blurring boundaries of the future in the EU nanotech debate. Joint 10th ABC Europe Convention / + 2nd GABC Conference “Researching business communication: perspectives from scholarship, education and practice”, Lessius Antwerp (Belgium). (under reviewing)

Kurt Feyaerts. Intersubjective Meaning Construction: Creativity as a Stance Taking Act. Cognitive Poetics and Rhetoric, Lodz (Polen), 28-30 January 2010. [plenary lecture]



Paul Sambre. Meaning dynamics in emergent natural language definitions: a method for semasiological corpus linguistics. Clavier 2009 Corpus Linguistics and Language Variation, Modena (Italy), 5-7 November 2009.

Elisabeth Zima & Paul Sambre. Semantic Creativity in Multi-Agent Political Discourse: Bringing Together Intersubjectivity and Discourse Dynamics. Frames and Constructions, Berkeley (USA), 31 July - 2 August 2009.

Elisabeth Zima & Paul Sambre. Linguistic creativity in parliamentary debates - Exploring the dynamics of intersubjective meaning construal. Fillmore Fest, Frames and Constructions: A Conference in  Honor of Ch. Fillmore on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Berkeley (USA), 31 July - 2 August  2009.

Geert Brône. Towards a dialogic construction grammar: a corpus-based approach to interactional grounding strategies and ad hoc routines. Fillmore Fest, Frames and Constructions: A Conference in  Honor of Ch. Fillmore on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Berkeley (USA), 31 July - 2 August  2009.

Paul Sambre & Cornelia Wermuth. Framing instrumental roles in a corpus of medical abstracts: a combined conceptual and modelling UML approach. Fillmore Fest, Frames and Constructions: A Conference in  Honor of Ch. Fillmore on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Berkeley (USA), 31 July - 2 August 2009.

Elisabeth Zima, Paul Sambre & Kurt Feyaerts. Modelling discourse dynamics:  a cognitive discourse studies approach to intersubjective meaning coordination. AFLICO 3, Paris X-Nanterre (France), 27-29 May 2009.

Paul Sambre & Geert Brône. Futurity in cognitive grammar. Intersubjective and modal shifts through multiple time lenses. AFLICO 3, Paris X-Nanterre (France), 27-29 May 2009.

Freek Van de Velde, Koen Jaspaert, Dirk Geeraerts, Kurt Feyaerts, Bert Oben & Geert Brône. Towards a simplifying model for sustainable food production. A frame-based empirical analysis. International Conference of the Linguistic Society of Belgium on Framing: From grammar to application, LESSIUS Antwerp (Belgium), 23-24 April 2009.

Cornelia Wermuth & Paul Sambre. Modelling Instrumental Roles in Causal Using Events. A conceptual Study on Framing in Titles of Medical Journals. International Conference of the Linguistic Society of Belgium on Framing: From grammar to application, LESSIUS Antwerp (Belgium), 23-24 April 2009.

Geert Brône & Elisabeth Zima. Co-constructing meaning through ad hoc grammatical constructions: a corpusbased cognitive linguistic account.. I-mean, Bristol (UK), 23-25 April 2009.

Elisabeth Zima. Modelling discourse dynamics: a cognitive linguistic approach towards intersubjective meaning coordination. I-mean,  Bristol (UK), 23-25 April 2009. [poster presentation]

Kurt Feyaerts & Steven Schoonjans. Zur französischen Übersetzung der Modalpartikeln denn und eigentlich in literarischen Texten. Eine Korpusstudie. 40 Jahre Partikelforschung, Universität Bern (Switzerland), 11-13 Februar 2009.



Kurt Feyaerts. Construal voorbij: intersubjectieve betekenisconstructie in creatieve interacties. 3de Coglingdag, University of Leiden (The Netherlands), 19-20 December 2008. [plenary lecture]

Paul Sambre & Jeroen Vandaele. Polyfonie, structuralisme  en intersubjectiviteit in CogLing. 3de Coglingdag, University of Leiden (The Netherlands), 19-20 December 2008.

Paul Sambre & Geert Brône. Futurity: integrating form and intersubjective meaning. 9th conference on Conceptual Structure, Discourse & Language, Case Western University Ohio (USA), 18-20 October 2008.

Geert Brône, Bert Oben & Elisabeth Zima. A cognitive linguistic model of joint actions – the case of resonance activation in spontaneous multi-agent discourse. DGKL/GCLA 08, Leipzig (Germany), 25-27 September 2008.

Elisabeth Zima & Kurt Feyaerts. Negotiating meaning in social interaction: the case of creative interruptive comments in parliamentary debates. DGKL/GCLA 08, Leipzig (Germany), 25-27 September 2008.

Elisabeth Zima. Linguistic Creativity in Interactional Discourse: Polysemy. Dag van het Onderzoek 2008, Leuven (Belgium), 25 September 2008. [poster presentation]

Geert Brône & Bert Oben. Resonating humor: a corpus-based analysis. Vlac Contact Forum, Flemish Academic Centre, Brussels (Belgium), 10-11 September 2008.

Kurt Feyaerts. Framing as a process of conceptual creativity: Searching for a suitable Simplifying Model for the concept of sustainable food production (the Belgian case). Vlac Contact Forum, Flemish Academic Centre, Brussels (Belgium), 10-11 September 2008.

Paul Sambre. Multimodal blending in musical creativity. Christian Lindberg’s quixotry in Jan Sandström’s trombone concerto No. 2. Vlac Contact Forum, Flemish Academic Centre, Brussels (Belgium), 10-11 September 2008.

Elisabeth Zima. Linguistic creativity in parliamentary debates – Exploring the dynamics of intersubjective meaning construal. Vlac Contact Forum, Flemish Academic Centre, Brussels (Belgium), 10-11 September 2008.

Kurt Feyaerts. Resonance. A pragmatic Construction. Interdisciplinary Workshop Dutch Stylistics, Universiteit Leiden (The Netherlands), 11 January 2008.

Kurt Feyaerts. “Conceptual Creativity” Presentation for the research cluster The Agile Mind. VLAC, Ockeghem Room. 09 September 2008.

Elisabeth Zima. Linguïstische creativiteit in interactioneel discours: polysemie en meerduidige betekenisconstructie. Dag van de doctorandi,  Leuven (Belgium), 5 September 2008.

Paul Sambre & Cornelia Wermuth.  A UML causal ontology for medicat instrumentality. 8th International conference on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering - Managing Ontologies and Lexical Resources, Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), 18–21 August 2008.

Paul Sambre & Geert Brône. Modal updating of futurity in vector models for discourse. Conference on Language, Communication and Cognition, University of Brighton (UK), 04-07 August 2008.

Elisabeth Zima & Geert Brône. Don’t go twisting my words - The activation of resonance for adversarial purposes in parliamentary debates. Conference on Language, Communication and Cognition, University of Brighton (UK), 04-07 August 2008.

Geert Brône & Tony Veale. Conceptual re-representation: a cognitive-linguistic and computational approach to linguistic creativity. Cognac Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Creativity, Nijmegen, 22 May 2008.

Elisabeth Zima, Geert Brône, Kurt Feyaerts & Paul Sambre. Resonance activation in interactional parliamentary discourse. 7th International Workshop on Multidisciplinary Approaches to Discourse 2008 (MAD 08): Linearisation and Segmentation in Discourse, Lysebu Oslo (Norway), 20-23 February 2008.



Nele Nivelle & Geert Brône. Counterfactual conditionals in argumentative legal discourse: a cognitive linguistic analysis. What if? So what! Interdisciplinary Approaches to Counterfactual Reasoning, Rotterdam (The Netherlands), 17-20 December 2007.

Paul Sambre. Nesting polyphony in subjectification. 2nd Conference of the UK-Cognitive Linguistics Association,  Cardiff (UK), 27-30 August 2007.

Geert Brône, Kurt Feyaerts & Jeroen Vandaele. Multiple viewpoints in humor. 10th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. Krakow (Poland), 15-20 July 2007.

Paul Sambre. La futurità delle nanotecnologie: per una visione dinamica della definizione terminologica. Convegno Terminologia e Mediazione linguistica: approcci e metodi a confronto Conference of Realiter (Rete Panlatina di Terminologia) ed Ass.I.Term (Associazione italiana per la terminologia) in collaboration with the Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne er Interpreti e Traduttori di Forlì (SSLMIT University of Bologna), Bertinoro (Forlì), Italy, 7-9 June 2007.

Paul Sambre. Integrating cognitive interactionism in cognitive grammar. 2nd International AFLICO Conference of the French Association of Cognitive Linguistics, Lille (France), 10-12 May 2007.



Geert Brône & Seana Coulson. De interactie van metaforische en metonymische patronen in woordspelingen: cognitieve verwerking en appreciatie.Coglingdag 2 – Symposium of the Dutch and Flemish Cognitive Linguistics Association, Leuven (Belgium), 15 December 2006.

Paul Sambre & Cornelia Wermuth. Instrumentality in multidimensional terminological definitions. International Conference on Terminology: Terminology and Society, The impact of terminology on everyday life, Lessius Hogeschool Antwerp (Belgium), 16-17 November 2006.

Geert Brône. Towards a dynamic and layered account of humorous meaning: integrating cognitive linguistics into humor research. 4th Conference of the International Association for Literary Semantics(IALS),  Krakow (Poland), 12-14 October 2006.

Geert Brône & Kurt Feyaerts. Humor research and cognitive linguistics: The construal of humorous interaction. Zweite Internationale Konferenz der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kognitive Linguistik (DGKL), München (Germany), 5-7 October 2006.

Paul Sambre. Definitions as blends in complex cognitive domain matrices.  Second International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, Munich (Germany), 5-7 October 2006. [theme session on blending theory] > cancelled because of illness

Paul Sambre. Il reportage marketing come spazio vettoriale. Una prospettiva cognitivo-discorsiva italo-belga. XVII Congresso Associazione Internazionale Professori d’Italiano: Tempo e memoria nella lingua e letteratura italiana, Ascoli Piceno, Marche (Italy), 23-27 October 2006.

Geert Brône, Kurt Feyaerts & Shweta Narayan. Understanding comics. A cognitive translation of a comics artist perspective. 18th International Conference of the International Society for Humor Studies(ISHS), Copenhagen (Denmark), 3-7 July 2006.

Geert Brône & Seana Coulson. On the cognitive processing of deliberate ambiguity in newspaper headlines: The case of double grounding. 18th International Conference of the International Society for Humor Studies (ISHS). Copenhagen (Denmark), 3-7 July 2006.

Geert Brône. Taalkundig humoronderzoek: State of the art en perspectieven.UCSKI-Symposium on Laughing Matters, Utrecht (The Netherlands), 15 June 2006.

Kurt Feyaerts, Paul Sambre & Geert Brône. Discursive dimensions in the dynamics of conceptualization: enriching Langacker's viewing frames. The Second Biennial Conference on Cognitive Science, St Petersburg (Russia), 9-13 June 2006.

Paul Sambre, & Cornelia Wermuth. Instrumentality and Causality in Medical Ontology. Onomasiological Evidence from Dutch, German and French. The Second Biennial Conference on Cognitive Science, St Petersburg (Russia), 9-13 June 2006.

Kurt Feyaerts & Elisabeth Zima. Towards an Integrated Cognitive Linguistic Account of Discourse Meaning: Parliamentary Debates in Austria and France. 2nd Aflico-Conference, Lille (France), 9-12 May 2006.

Geert Brône & Kurt Feyaerts. Deautomatisierungsstrategien in konversationellem Humor.12. Arbeitstagung zur Gesprächsforschung, Mannheim (Germany), 29-31 March 2006.

Cornelia Wermuth & Paul Sambre. The Conceptualization of instrumental definition. A Dutch-French-German onomasiological typology. International Conference on the Study of Language and Translation (Belgian Circle of Linguistics), Hogeschool Ghent (Belgium), 12-14 January 2006.



Paul Sambre. Cervantes uitgebazuind. Conceptuele en multimodale mijmeringen bij Don Quixote (Trombone Concerto No. 2 van Jan Sandström [1994]). Colloquium De sporen van don Quichot (Traces of Don Quixote), Lessius Hogeschool, Departement Toegepaste Taalkunde (Belgium), 9 December 2005.

Kurt Feyaerts. Humor Research and Cognitive Linguistics. Dept. of Languages and Culture, University of Technology Luleå (Sweden), 8 December 2005.

Paul Sambre. Definities tussen corpus en compositionele domeinmatrix. Congres Viot Vereniging Interuniversitair Overleg Taalbeheersing, Universiteit van Nijmegen (The Netherlands), 7-9 December 2006.

Kurt Feyaerts. A Dynamic Account of Phraseological Meaning: Creative Variation in Headlines and Conversational Humor. University of Murcia (Spain), 21 November 2005.

Paul Sambre. Complex Domain Matrices Reloaded. New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics.
1st International UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, University of Brighton at Sussex (UK), 23-25 October 2005.

Geert Brône & Kurt Feyaerts. Humour research and Cognitive Linguistics: The cognitive construal of humorous texts. 1st International UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, University of Brighton at Sussex (UK), 23-25 October 2005.

Kurt Feyaerts & Geert Brône. The effect of inferential complexity on the processing and appreciation of humorous utterances. Conference on Approaches to Complexity in Language, Helsinki (Finland), 24-26 August 2005.

Geert Brône. The construction of collaborative vs. adversarial humour in multi-agent settings. 9th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), Riva del Garda (Italy), 10-15 July 2005.

Kurt Feyaerts & Geert Brône. Effects of Complexity-Related Variables in the cognitive Processing and Appreciation of One-Liners and One-Panel Cartoons. 17th Conference of the International Society for Humor Studies(ISHS), Youngstown (USA), 14-18 June 2005.

Paul Sambre. Être dans tous ses états. Vers une description conceptuelle du verbe être dans la définition en langue naturelle. From Gram to Mind – Du fait grammatical au fait cognitif : 1st International French Conference on Cognitive Linguistics, Université de Bordeaux (France), 19-21 May 2005.

+ Chair : Session on Causality and Purpose.

Paul Sambre. Some of these days. Over conceptuele (des)integratie in Sartres La Nausée. (About conceptual (dis)integration in Sartre’s Nausea). International Conference Sartres Verjaardagen – Les Anniversaires de Sartre, Lessius Hogeschool Antwerp (Belgium), 24-25 March 2005

+ Chair : Philosophy, Psychology, Translation.



Kurt Feyaerts, Paul Sambre & Geert Brône. Conceptual Updating in Discourse. Eerste Coglingdag, First Dutch-Flemish meeting on Cognitive Linguistics, Faculteit Letteren - Universiteit Utrecht (The Netherlands), 17 December 2004.

Kurt Feyaerts. Funktionale Remotivierung phraseologischer Verbindungen: expressive Schlagzeilen und anekdotische Dialoge. Europhras Phraseology Conference, Basel (Switzerland), 26-29 August 2004.

Geert Brône & Kurt Feyaerts. Humor research and cognitive linguistics: the cognitive construal of interactional humor. 16th Conference of the International Society for Humor Studies(ISHS),  Dijon (France), 14-18 June 2004.

Paul Sambre. Blending and cognition in discourse. Meeting Research Unit CHIL, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), 28 May 2004.

Geert Brône. Metaphor and metonymy in the processing of verbal humor. Empirical perspectives for cognitive humor research. European Research Conference on Mind, Language and Metaphor. The Processing of Metaphor and Metonymy: From Computers to Neuropsychology, Granada (Spain), 24-29 April 2004.

Paul Sambre. Definition in natural language between hierarchic interactionnism and conceptual (dis)integration. Document Design Conference, University of Tilburg (The Netherlands), 22-24 January 2004.

+ Chair: Methods for the study of document design.



Geert Brône & Kurt Feyaerts. Metonymic inferencing and incongruity resolution: Marked reference-point structures in humor. 8th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC). Cognitive Linguistics, Functionalism, Discourse Studies: Common Ground and New Directions, Logroño (Spain), July 2003.

Paul Sambre. Conceptual blending in natural language definition: verbal scanning in explicit and implicit definitions. Convegno Internazionale di Linguistica Cognitiva Modelling Thought and Constructing Meaning: Cognitive Models in Interaction, Università degli Studi di Pavia (Italy), November 2003.

Paul Sambre. & M. Gagliano. Circular temporality in discursive megablends. A view from Peircean semiotics and interactionist cognitivism. ICLC 2003 International Conference of the Cognitive Linguistics Association, University la Rioja (Spain), July 2003.

Paul Sambre. Saliscendi concettuali. Metafore, moto fittizio ed integrazione concettuale nella messa in parole dell’immagine grafica. (Conceptual up and downs. Metaphors, fictive motion and conceptual integration in the wordings of graphic images). AISLLI - Associazione Internazionale per gli Studi di Lingua e di letteratura Italiana, Universities of Louvain, Brussels and Antwerp (Belgium), July 2003.

Geert Brône & Kurt Feyaerts. Cognitive resolution mechanisms in humor interpretation: 'unpacking' conceptual integration networks. Workshop on Conceptual Blending, Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschap en Kunst, Brussels (Belgium), April 2003.



Paul Sambre. Verbal equivalence relations in natural definitions, a cognitive grammar account of blending triggers. VIOT Vereniging Interuniversitair Overleg Taalbeheersing, University of Antwerp UFSIA (Belgium), December 2002.

Geert Brône & Kurt Feyaerts. The syntactic realization of conceptual integration: The quotative use of German modal verbs. Conference The Way We Think on Blending Theory, University of Southern Denmark at Odense, August 2002.

Kurt Feyaerts & Geert Brône. Humor through 'double grounding': structural interaction of optimality principles. . Conference The Way We Think on Blending Theory, University of Southern Denmark at Odense, August 2002.

Paul Sambre. Conceptual integration in natural Internet definitions: a Dutch and French discursive case study. Conference The Way We Think on Blending Theory, University of Southern Denmark at Odense, August 2002.

Geert Brône. Compression and blending in editorial cartoons: East vs. West in the aftermath of the WTC disaster. 14th Conference of the International Society for Humor Studies (ISHS), Forli (Italy), July 2002.

Geert Brône & Kurt Feyaerts. Conceptual integration and economics. Blending patterns structuring economic discourse. Colloquium on Text and Economics, Antwerp (Belgium), May 2002.

Kurt Feyaerts. Warmduscher-Ausdrücke. Überlegungen aus dem morpho-phraseologischen Grenzbereich. Europhras Conference, Loccum (Germany), June 2002.

Paul Sambre. Blended conceptualisation in trade flow diagrams: from cognitive highlighting to fictive motion, a French-Italian perspective. Congress on Text & Economics, University of Antwerp UFSIA-RUCA (Belgium), May 2002.

+ Discussant of Alain Clément’s (Tours – France) paper:
The influence of medical metaphors in the development of economic science in the XVIIth century.

Kurt Feyaerts. Expressivity through Compression: Metaphtonymic Variation in German Negative Value Judgments. Euresco-Conference Mind, Language and Metaphor. Euroconference on Consciousness and the Imagination, Kerkrade (The Netherlands), April 2002.

Paul Sambre. Still voices, silent definitions. A cognitive and discursive reading of polyphony mechanisms in newspaper definitions of the Internet. Sociolinguistics Symposium 14,  University of Ghent (Belgium), April 2002.



Paul Sambre. Natural definitions of the Internet: methodology and metaphoric onomasiology. Lecture TCO research meetings TEW-UFSIA/RUCA, University Antwerp (Belgium), September 2001.

Paul Sambre. Natural definitions of the Internet: a comparison of metaphors of the road and the community. ICLC 2001 International Conference of the Cognitive Linguistics Association, University of California at Santa Barbara (USA), July 2001.

Paul Sambre. Definitions in natural language revisited: a case-study on the word Internet in Dutch and French. RAAM 2001 Conference on Researching and Applying Metaphor, University of Manoubia-Tunis (Tunisia), April 2001.



Paul Sambre. Internet between heaven and earth. The French debate on cultural and anthropological mutations in cyberspace. 1st Belgian Conference of the Society for Technical Communication, September 2000.

Paul Sambre. Definitions of “Internet” in natural language: a semantic sketch, DOCOP Meetings Doctoral School Linguistics University of Antwerp (Belgium), March 2000.