Paul Sambre

I am an assistant professor of discourse studies, Italian linguistics and marketing communication at the Department of Applied Linguistics of Lessius Antwerp and an affiliate researcher at the Department of Linguistics of the KU Leuven. After studies of Romance Philology in Leuven and the agrégation for French and Italian (1991), I studied Peircean semiotics and philosophy of language in Bologna and obtained the Leuven Certificate in Italian Studies (1992), I obtained a DEA in linguistics at Lyon 2 (1993) with a scholarship of the French government, which made me further explore the semantics/pragmatics interface. I worked as a teacher of French and Italian, and, after a short stay in the training and communications industry, moved to the University of Antwerp as an assistant of business French. My 2005 PhD in cognitive linguistics from the KU Leuven offered a mixed philosophical, lexical and discursive study of the emergence and conceptualization of definitions in natural language: I tried to understand how everyday technological concepts like the Internet discursively get into our minds and language. I find cognitive linguistics fascinating since it’s a theory where language and cognition converge keeping track both of abstract philosophical thought and concrete textual and corpus materials.

Phone: +32 3 206 04 91
Surface mail:
Lessius University College
Campus Sint Andries (Room 04.12)
Sint-Andriesstraat 2
B-2000 Antwerp

Research interests

I have been an active member of Chil right from the start and, really, it’s great fun. My main centre of interest is linguistic creativity in (interactional) discourse, from a cognitive linguistic and semiotic perspective. My (contrastive) corpus research primarily deals with French and Italian. My current research interests concern

  • the notion of polysemy and intersubjectivity,
  • the expression of futurity, causality and instrumentality in frame semantics and cognitive grammar,
  • the relation between usage-based concept models and object-oriented modeling languages (UML),
  • the multimodal conceptualization and popularization of (nano)technology
  • and the relation between cognitive linguistics and French phenomenology and poststructuralism,


Here are a few of Paul's publications. For a complete list, see the CHIL publication list and the pdf-file below:

  • [2007] Être dans tous ses états. Vers une description conceptuelle du verbe être dans la définition en langue naturelle. Cognitextes, 1-1 : 44-71.[pdf]
  • [2007] Saliscendi concettuali. Moto fittizio ed integrazione concettuale nella messa in parole dell’immagine grafica. In: S. Vanvolsem et al. (eds.), Identità e diversità nella lingua e nella letteratura italiana.Firenze: Franco Cesati, 747-761.
  • [2006] Definition in natural language between cognitive interactionism and conceptual integration. In: J.P. Verckens & S. Carliner (eds.), Information and Document Design: Varieties in recent research. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 209-229.
  • [2005] Equivalence relations in natural definition: from scanning to conceptual integration. A Dutch-French perspective. In: A. Baicchi et al. (eds), Modelling Thought and Constructing Meaning. Milano: Angeli, 137-146.
Paul's complete publication list: [pdf]