ICAME 33 2012
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ICAME 33 :: Circulars

First and second circulars

Past circulars are archived as PDF files: first circular (sent on 29 September 2011) - second circular (sent on 1 March 2012). The third circular is still on this page (following the 'final updates').

Final updates (sent to the list on 27 May)

Dear ICAMErs,

It is only a few days until the conference starts. In this circular we are sending you all the last minute practical information. The programme has been updated and now also includes the chairs.

Travel information and conference venue

You can download a document with travel information on getting to Leuven and to/from the Grand Béguinage, and with information about the conference venue.

Technical information

We have already duly received a number of presentations at icame33presentations@gmail.com. As a reminder, to facilitate the smooth running of the conference, we encourage you to e-mail us your presentation in advance (preferably by 30 May, but by 8 am on the morning of your presentation latest) for us to add it to the ICAME33 'cloud' or dropbox (password-protected so not publicly available). Please mention in the e-mail subject either the relevant pre-conference workshop ("WS1", "WS2" or "WS3") or the programme slot (day and AM or PM) and room (e.g. "Thursday AM Van Croy" or "Saturday PM St Barbara"). You can find the room your presentation is scheduled in in the programme.

Please note that we will not be able to reply to the e-mails sent to icame33presentations@gmail.com, unless if we spot a problem, in which case we will contact you. Unless the e-mail bounces or we contact you, you can assume that your presentation has arrived safely. In all cases, uploading a presentation from a USB key will remain possible at the registration desk, and bringing a copy of your presentation on a key or some other device is still advisable as a back-up option in the unlikely event the Internet suddenly evaporates.

Excursion on Friday afternoon

The excursion to Namur with its various tour options has been arranged. Enrolment is no longer possible. Participants who, because of number restrictions, had to be to assigned to the tour of their 'second choice' have been notified of this via e-mail. Your trip voucher will mention both your tour option and your bus (1 or 2), so if you don't remember your choice, don't despair. In addition, lists of the participants in the different tours will be posted at the registration desk.


The weather is expected to oscillate between cloudy and sunny, but mostly dry. Temperatures are forecast to be around 20°C on Wednesday but to decrease by Friday to around 15°C. Feel free to consult the most reliable 7-day weather forecast online (in Dutch, but with clear symbols) just before you leave to get an update.

Staying on tips

Those of you who plan to stay on for a while after the conference can find a selection of events currently on in Leuven or elsewhere in Belgium on the Travel information page of the website.

Contacting us

If you need to contact us, please continue to use the conference email address icame33@arts.kuleuven.be. From Tuesday afternoon (29 May) onwards (and throughout the conference) Kristin Davidse can always be contacted on the phone number mentioned in the e-mail version of this circular. Please note that this is intended as an emergency contact phone number, only to be used if things go wrong.

Looking very much forward to seeing and welcoming you next week in Leuven,

With all best wishes,

The ICAME 33 organising team.


Third circular

Dear ICAMErs,

This year’s ICAME conference is only two weeks away and we would like to give you a final update.

General information
Registration is now closed. There will be a total of around 200 participants attending the conference. The most recent schedule is available on our website.

Travel and arrival
General travel information can be found on the conference website. To make your way from your hotel to the conference site, the Grand Béguinage, you can refer to the map on the conference webpage. The congress centre in the Béguinage, the Convent of Chièvres, is located right in the centre of the Béguinage. It will be signposted from all entrances to the Béguinage. The opening reception and lunches will be on in the Faculty Club, whose location is indicated on this map.

Registration will open in the Convent of Chiévres, room M. Van Hamaele, on Wednesday 30 May at 13.00. Registration will also be possible on Thursday 31 May, from 8 a.m. Please make sure you register upon arrival to receive your conference pack with practical information. The conference pack will also include a certificate of attendance and a receipt for the conference fee.

Wednesday 30 May: pre-conference workshops, opening plenary and reception
The pre-conference workshops will take place in the Convent of Chièvres (G. Gilquin in room St. Gommarius, K. Aijmer & B. Altenberg in room St. Barbara, J. Kirk & J. Kallen in room Florquin, B. McWhinney in room Anna de Paepe) and the Faculty Club (H. Desmet & P. Petré in room Lemaire). The workshop convened by Karin Aijmer and Bengt Altenberg starts at 10.00 and all the others at 13.00. For detailed information on the pre-conference workshops, see the separate schedule. Note that the convenors  of the pre-conference workshop on SPICE-Ireland (J. Kirk & J. Kallen) encouraged participants in the workshop to bring their laptops to this workshop, and to have downloaded the latest version of AntConc (whether for PC or Mac).

The conference will be formally opened at 17.00 in room Willem van Croy (Convent of Chiévres) and will be followed by John R. Rickford’s plenary. After the opening plenary we will walk to the Infirmerie hall of the Faculty Club for the opening reception.  

Format of presentations
Papers and Work-in-Progress Reports
The length of presentations will be as follows:

  • Full paper / software demonstrations: 20 minutes (plus 10 minutes discussion)
  • Work-in-progress report: 10 minutes (plus 5 minutes discussion)

If you have a handout, please bring sufficient numbers of copies. Given that the majority of papers are organised in three parallel slots, an average of around 65 participants can be expected for the presentations.  

Posters will be displayed on poster stands in room M. van Hamaele (Convent of Chièvres).  Posters should be on a single sheet of paper/cardboard, ideally sized A0 (in portrait format).

ICAME Constitution
The ICAME Constitution and its updated Supplement are available from the ICAME 33 website (click the highlighted links to access the files). The updated Supplement (current version: 12 May 2012) will be discussed and ratified at the General Meeting on Saturday 2 June (5.30-6.30 pm).

Technical equipment
The conference centre expects organizers to provide laptops and organize technical support themselves. We therefore ask your understanding for the following arrangements.

The ICAME 33 cloud
Since WIFI access will be available throughout the conference venue (with a password which changes each day but will be posted clearly at the registration desk), we intend to store presentations online (in the so-called "cloud") as much as possible, to avoid USB key stress as well as virus infection risk. Presenters who can submit their presentations (whether in Powerpoint or PDF format) in advance are invited to e-mail it to icame33presentations@gmail.com, mentioning in the e-mail subject either the relevant pre-conference workshop ("WS1", "WS2" or "WS3") or their programme slot (day and AM or PM) and room (e.g. "Thursday AM Van Croy" or "Saturday PM St Barbara"). A dropbox will allow us to ensure that all laptops have all presentations in synchronized folders corresponding to the morning or afternoon blocks per room. Note that this does not mean your work will be publicly available: access will be restricted to the conference laptops with password protected access to the ICAME 33 dropbox. While e-mail submission is encouraged by 30 May, it is possible until 8 am on the morning of your presentation. If you do need to upload a presentation from a USB key at the conference venue, this will be possible at the registration desk.

A note on computers
Conference participants are strongly discouraged from connecting their own laptops for their presentation as this is too time-consuming and hassle-prone. We would therefore like to ask you to ensure compatibility of your presentation with Microsoft's Windows 7 and Office 2007 software, with apologies to Macficionados who we would kindly ask to go over to the dark side for twenty minutes. If you feel using an Apple computer is essential, please be reminded to bring any adapters required.

If you have further requirements concerning particular hardware (e.g. loudspeakers), software or fonts, please let us know as soon as possible and we will try to accommodate your requests.

Wireless LAN is available in the conference venue for all conference participants free of charge.

Social programme
On Thursday 31 May, there will be evening walks around Leuven, starting at 20.00.

The excursion on Friday 1 June will take us to Namur  in the French-speaking part of Belgium. Participants will first divide over four guided tours, and will then be taken by boat to Hampton’s hotel in Wépion for a three-course dinner. Please note that enrolments for the excursion are now closed.

Contacting us
If you need to contact us, please use the address: icame33arts.kuleuven.be

We look very much forward to welcoming you soon in Leuven!

With all best wishes,

the ICAME2012 organising team

Kristin Davidse, Lieven Vandelanotte, Tine Breban, Lieselotte Brems, An Laffut, Ditte Kimps, Lobke Ghesquière, Gaëtanelle Gilquin, Isolde Vande Walle, Tinne Van Rompaey
K.U.Leuven - CWIS Copyright © Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | Comments on the content: icame33arts.kuleuven.be
Production: Lieven Vandelanotte | Most recent update: 27/05/12
URL: http://wwwling.arts.kuleuven.be/icame33