ICAME 33 2012
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ICAME 33 :: Social programme

Wednesday evening, 30 May 2012

Opening reception at the Béguinage (room Infirmerie) as of 6.15 pm

Thursday evening, 31 May 2012

A choice of either

  • a guided walking tour of Leuven's historical town centre (duration ca. one and a half hours, start at around 8 pm)


  • a guided visit of M, Leuven's recently opened museum for classical and contemporary art housed in an impressive complex integrating historical buildings with contemporary architecture (start visit at around 8 pm; M closes at 10 pm; fully booked now)

Friday afternoon and evening, 1 June 2012

Conference trip, at an additional cost of EUR 50, to Namur, capital of Wallonia and gateway to the Belgian Ardennes located on the confluence of the rivers Sambre and Meuse (for more tourist information and picture impressions, see the tourist office's website):

  • departure by coach from the conference venue at around 1.15 pm
  • a choice of one among four tours with local English-speaking guides:
  1. a guided visit of the fragrance garden (Jardin des senteurs) atop the Citadel of Namur, situated in the prestigious surroundings of the Château de Namur (capacity for 16 to 25 people)
  2. a sweet tooth tour inviting you to re-live the history of Namur in its prettiest streets where you can sample such local specialties as péket, Belgian chocolates, the biétrumé toffee or the macaron (capacity for 16 to 25 people)
  3. a guided tour of the historical city centre of Namur, along the pedestrian streets and alleyways of its picturesque quartiers, to discover its rich architectural heritage (predominantly of the 18th century) (capacity for up to 50 people in two groups)
  4. a scenic bus tour (with stop-offs) of farms, castles and picturesque villages (Wierde, Mozet, Courrière, Lustin) in the region around Namur (capacity for up to 50 people)
  • depending on the tour, around an hour up to an hour and a half of free time to wander around, have a drink, do some shopping or visit such museums as the Félicien Rops museum devoted to the important Belgian 19th century symbolist painter and print maker, or the Musée provincial des Arts anciens du Namurois, housed in an 18th century mansion and holding collections of Medieval and Renaissance art, most notably the famous 13th century "Trésor d'Oignies", an extraordinary medieval treasure of the Saint-Nicolas d'Oignies priory, both located in the historical city centre
  • boat trip from Namur to Wépion (around 45 minutes)
  • three-course dinner (starter, main course, dessert and coffee) at Hampton's Hotel in Wépion
  • return by coach at around 9 pm, arrival back at the conference venue around 10 pm


  • People interested in a visit to the Delforge perfumery can combine this with a visit to the fragrance garden.
  • All conference participants will receive a map of Namur and a tourist guide ("Namur invites you") in their conference packs; it might be a good idea to bring these documents along on the day of the trip.
  • A separate e-mail has been sent to all conference participants who registered for the trip by 1 May, inviting them to submit their final choice among the four options listed above. Late registrees or others who need a reminder can find the separate form for this here.

Saturday evening, 2 June 2012

Conference dinner, at an additional cost of EUR 50, at Salons Georges in Leuven

Impressions of Namur

K.U.Leuven - CWIS Copyright © Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | Comments on the content: icame33arts.kuleuven.be
Production: Lieven Vandelanotte | Most recent update: 2/05/12
URL: http://wwwling.arts.kuleuven.be/icame33