ICAME 33 2012
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ICAME 33 :: Plenary speakers

  • Ewa Dabrowska (Northumbria University)
    "From E-language to I-language -- and back"

  • Brian MacWhinney (Carnegie Mellon University)
    "The expanding horizons of corpus linguistics"

  • Terttu Nevalainen (University of Helsinki)
    "Corpus linguistics and language change"

  • Anne O'Keeffe (University of Limerick)
    "The application of corpus linguistics: who is learning from whom?"

  • John R. Rickford (Stanford University)
    "Relativizer omission and the independence of linguistic and social constraints"

For abstracts, see the online version of the book of abstracts which includes the plenary lectures as of 2 May 2012.



K.U.Leuven - CWIS Copyright © Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | Comments on the content: icame33arts.kuleuven.be
Production: Lieven Vandelanotte | Most recent update: 2/05/12
URL: http://wwwling.arts.kuleuven.be/icame33