ICAME 33 2012
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ICAME 33 :: Programme

The accepted abstracts for the general session are listed below; those included in the workshops are listed separately.

Three documents are available for download as PDF files:

Full papers (20 + 10 minutes)

  1. Algama, Dilini and Tobias Bernaisch (Justus Liebig University Giessen). Diachronic perspectives on the discursive elements in the functional profiles of adverbs: a corpus-based study on the development of anyway and meanwhile
  2. Altendorf, Ulrike (Leibniz Universität Hannover). Presenting LONGDALE-GE – a multi-methodological longitudinal corpus at the "crossroads of English linguistics"
  3. Andersen, Gisle (NHH Norwegian School of Economics). Evaluating corpus-driven approaches to lexical innovation in spoken data
  4. Anderwald, Lieselotte (University of Kiel). Measuring the success of prescriptivism: quantitative grammaticography and corpus-linguistics
  5. Auer, Anita (University of Utrecht), Mikko Laitinen (University of Jyväskylä) and Tony Fairman (Maidstone). Letters of Artisans and the Labouring Poor (England, c. 1750-1835): Prospects and problems in creating an electronic corpus
  6. Beal, Joan and Ranjan Sen (University of Sheffield). Towards a Corpus of 18th-century English Phonology
  7. Choon, Anja, Robert Fuchs, Ulrike Gut, Presley Ifukor (University of Münster) and Taiwo Soneye (Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife). H-deletion and h-insertion in Nigerian English
  8. Collins, Peter, Xinyue Yao (The University of New South Wales) and Ariane Borlongan (De La Salle University). Relative clauses in Philippine English: a diachronic perspective
  9. Conde-Silvestre, Juan Camilo (University of Murcia) and Javier Calle-Martín (University of Málaga). The sociolinguistics of that-deletion in the history of English
  10. Davidse, Kristin, Bert Cornillie and Ditte Kimps (University of Leuven). Developing a speech act analysis of tagged utterances in spontaneous dialogue
  11. Davies, Mark (Brigham Young University). The 155 billion word Google Books corpus: Can it be used for serious research on diachronic syntax?
  12. de Haan, Pieter and Monique van der Haagen (Radboud University Nijmegen). A Longitudinal Study of the Syntax of Very Advanced Dutch EFL Writing
  13. Defour, Tine (Ghent University). The focus constructions of English particularizers. A diachronic perspective.
  14. Deroey, Katrien (Ghent University). Relevance markers in lectures
  15. Desagulier, Guillaume (Université Paris 8). Quite new methods for a rather old issue: visualizing the constructional idiosyncrasies of quite and rather in the BNC with multivariate statistics
  16. Egan, Thomas (Hedmark University College) and Gudrun Rawoens (Ghent University). Among(st) and amid(st): a contrastive approach
  17. Eitelmann, Matthias (Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz). Weighing End-Weight as a Determinant of Linguistic Variation and Change
  18. Elsness, Johan (University of Oslo). The present perfect in late Modern English: a longitudinal look
  19. Flowerdew, Lynne (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology). The convergence of corpus linguistics, sociolinguistics and discourse analysis
  20. Fuchs, Robert and Ulrike Gut (University of Münster). Do women use more intensifiers than men? - Investigating gender and age-specific language use with the International Corpus of English
  21. Gerwin, Johanna (University of Kiel). “Give it me!” – Pronominal ditransitives in English dialects
  22. Ghesquière, Lobke (University of Leuven). On the development of noun-intensifying quite
  23. Glynn, Dylan (Lund University) and Karolina Krawczak (Adam Mickiewicz University). Operationalising intentionality: Multifactorial corpus-driven analysis of epistemic stance constructions in British and American English
  24. Goossens, Diane (University of Louvain). Quantity approximation across business genres: a corpus-driven study
  25. Götz, Sandra and Joybrato Mukherjee (Justus Liebig University, Giessen). er, erm, uh and uhm: Filled Pauses in ENL, ESL and EFL
  26. Gries, Stefan Th. (University of California, Santa Barbara). Collocations are not necessarily bi-directional … of course (and others)!
  27. Gries, Stefan Th. (University of California, Santa Barbara), Tobias Bernaisch (Justus Liebig University, Giessen) and Joybrato Mukherjee (Justus Liebig University, Giessen). The dative alternation in South Asian English(es): Modelling predictors and predicting prototypes
  28. Hackert, Stephanie (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich). Pseudotitles in Bahamian English: A Case of Americanization?
  29. Hammel, Marc and Marco Schilk (Justus Liebig University Giessen). The Progressive in South Asian and Southeast Asian varieties of English – mapping areal homogeneity and heterogeneity
  30. Hasselgård, Hilde (University of Oslo). It-clefts in English L1 and L2 academic writing
  31. Hilpert, Martin (Freiburg University). Concessive parentheticals: One construction or many constructions?
  32. Hoffmann, Sebastian (University of Trier), Andrea Sand (University of Trier) and Peter Tan (National University of Singapore). The Corpus of Historical Singapore English – A First Pilot Study on Data from the 1950s and 1960s
  33. Höglund, Mikko (University of Tampere). The Pig Is Ready to Eat – Diachronic Shift in the Subcategorization of Ready
  34. Huber, Magnus (University of Giessen). Existential sentences with relative clauses in 18th and 19th century English
  35. Kranich, Svenja (University of Hamburg) and Victorina González Díaz (University of Liverpool). Translating evaluation. A corpus-based study of business communication
  36. Krawczak, Karolina (Adam Mickiewicz University). A quantitative approach to social emotions: A contrastive perspective on SHAME in British English and American English
  37. Krennmayr, Tina (VU University Amsterdam). Metaphor variation across registers: What is special about metaphor in news?
  38. Kunz, Kerstin Anna and Ekaterina Lapshinova (Saarland University). Cohesive conjunctions across languages and registers - a corpus-linguistic analysis
  39. Lapshinova, Ekaterina, Stefania Degaetano and Elke Teich (Saarland University). Terminology now and then: changes across time in academic writing
  40. Lehmann, Hans Martin, Gerold Schneider and Melanie Roethlisberger (University of Zurich). The genitive’s choice: exploring of-genitive and Saxon genitive
  41. Lemmens, Maarten (Université Lille 3). Echos of on-going grammaticalisation: a corpus-based analysis of OK in English, Dutch and Swedish
  42. Levin, Magnus (Linnaeus University). The Bathroom Formula: a corpus-based study of what British and American speakers say when going to the toilet
  43. Lijffijt, Jefrey (Aalto University), Tanja Säily (University of Helsinki), Terttu Nevalainen (University of Helsinki). Chi-square test considered harmful: Better methods for testing the significance of word frequencies
  44. López-Couso, María José and Belén Méndez-Naya (University of Santiago de Compostela). A look into epistemic parentheticals with impersonal think
  45. Lorenz, David (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg). An Emancipation Effect: On the changing status of gonna, gotta, wanna
  46. Lutzky, Ursula, Andrew Kehoe and Matt Gee (Birmingham City University). “I apologise for my poor blogging” Pragmatic annotation in the Birmingham Blog Corpus
  47. Maglie, Rosita Belinda (University of Bari) and Mario Marcon (University of Udine & University of Padua). Queer Corpus-Based Teaching/Learning. Gender Equity Through A Trilingual Corpus of Children's Books
  48. Mahlberg, Michaela (University of Nottingham), Catherine Smith (University of Birmingham) and Simon Preston (University of Nottingham). Textual patterns in novels – the suspended quotation as a linguistic unit
  49. Maier, Georg (University of Hamburg). The Case of Focus –The Reanalysis of Subjective Pronouns as Focus Markers in Predicative Complement Position
  50. Markus, Manfred (University of Innsbruck). Aspect Expressed by the Prefix a- in Late Modern English Dialects (based on Joseph Wright’s English Dialect Dictionary)
  51. Mehl, Seth (University College London). Pre-colonial words, postcolonial developments: Usages of make in contemporary Singapore, Hong Kong and Great Britain as outgrowths of make in Early Modern English
  52. Mollin, Sandra (University of Heidelberg). The diachronic development of binomial reversibility in Late Modern English: Freezing, unfreezing, changing preferences
  53. Mondorf, Britta (University of Mainz). The role of pseudo-objects in language variation and change
  54. Müller, Simone (Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen). Talking about government in metaphors – a comparison across varieties of English
  55. Petré, Peter (University of Leuven). Ingressive biginnen in Middle English: the development of a textual function
  56. Pichler, Heike (University of Salford) and Eivind Torgersen (Sør-Trøndelag University College). Tag questions in contemporary London English: Current trends in invariabilisation
  57. Proisl, Thomas and Peter Uhrig (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg). Using Dependency-Annotated Corpora to Improve Collocation Extraction
  58. Rajalahti, Kaisa, Hanna Parviainen and Juhani Klemola (University of Tampere). The modal and quasi-modal verbs of obligation and necessity in the English varieties of Singapore, India and the Philippines
  59. Rautionaho, Paula (University of Tampere). Temporal specification of the progressive form in World Englishes
  60. Renouf, Antoinette (Birmingham City University). A Finer Definition of Neology in English: from word to register
  61. Roca-Varela, María Luisa (University of Santiago de Compostela). Deceptive cognates in speech and writing : A corpus-based study of English false friends in the production of Spanish students
  62. Rohdenburg, Günter (University of Paderborn). Syntactic Constraints on the Use of Dual Form Intensifiers in Modern English
  63. Römer, Ute (Georgia State University), Matthew B. O'Donnell (University of Michigan) and Nick C. Ellis (University of Michigan). What do speakers know about English Verb-Argument Constructions? Combining corpus and psycholinguistic evidence from L1 and L2 settings
  64. Ronan, Patricia (University of Lausanne). Light verb constructions in the history of English
  65. Rudanko, Juhani (University of Tampere). A New Angle on Infinitival and  ing Complements of Afraid, with Evidence from the TIME Corpus
  66. Rudanko, Juhani and Paul Rickman (University of Tampere). Null Objects and Sentential Complements, with Evidence from COHA
  67. Ruette, Tom (University of Leuven), Katharina Ehret (FRIAS, University of Freiburg) and Benedikt Szmrecsanyi (FRIAS, University of Freiburg). A bottom-up approach to multilectal variation in the lexicon of written Standard English
  68. Saad, Khalida (University of Leuven), Wouter Parmentier (University of Leuven), Lieselotte Brems (University of Liège & University of Leuven), Kristin Davidse (University of Leuven) and An Van linden (University of Leuven). The development of modal and mirative no way-constructions
  69. Schilk, Marco (Justus Liebig University Giessen). The lexical core and periphery of English – a data-driven analysis of the International Corpus of English
  70. Schneider, Ulrike (University of Freiburg). Using CART Trees and Random Forests to Determine the Influence of Usage-based Factors on  Hesitation Placement
  71. Schutz, Natassia (University of Louvain). High frequency verbs in English for Academic Purposes: towards a Corpus Pattern Analysis
  72. Skrzypik, Urszula (Trier University). Adverbs as Complements of Verbs
  73. Thewissen, Jennifer (University of Louvain). How can we be of service? Learner corpora to help inform the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
  74. Tsiamita, Fanie (University of Liverpool). Lexical Priming and meaning disambiguation: Where does Discourse Analysis come in?
  75. van der Haagen, Monique and Pieter de Haan (Radboud University Nijmegen). The road to professionalism: Oral proficiency development of the non-native EFL teacher
  76. van Hattum, Marije (The University of Manchester). The development of can and be able to in nineteenth-century Irish English:  a corpus-based study
  77. Vázquez-López, Vera (University of Santiago de Compostela). On the factors favouring the use of Romance nominalizations in early scientific English
  78. Vetchinnikova, Svetlana (University of Helsinki). Multi-word units in second language acquisition and use: Evidence from concgramming
  79. Wallis, Sean, Jill Bowie and Bas Aarts (University College London). That vexed problem of choice. Some reflections on experimental design and statistics with corpora.
  80. Zumstein, Franck (University of Paris 7 - Denis Diderot). Are word-stress variants in lexico-phonetic corpora exceptional cases or regular forms?

Work-in-progress software demonstrations (10 + 5 minutes)

  1. Camiña, Gonzalo (University College Cork) and Inés Lareo (University of A Coruña). Working with the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing: Software and content
  2. Kehoe, Andrew and Matt Gee (Birmingham City University). eMargin: a collaborative text annotation tool
  3. Kretzschmar, William (University of Georgia), Jacqueline Hettel (University of Georgia), Ilkka Juuso (University of Oulu), Lisa Lena Opas-Hanninen (University of Oulu) and Tapio Seppanen (University of Oulu). Corpus Building for the Linguistic Atlas Project
  4. Moreton, Emma and Hilary Nesi (Coventry University). Visualising concordance lines: The Word Tree interface.

Work-in-progress reports (10 + 5 minutes)

  1. Blanco-Suárez, Zeltia (University of Santiago de Compostela). Ma daddy wis dead chuffed: some considerations on the dialectal distribution of the intensifier dead in Contemporary English
  2. De Clerck, Bernard (University College Ghent). “Coulda, woulda, shoulda”. A closer look at modals in Indian English and British English
  3. Gaillat, Thomas (Paris-Diderot University & Rennes 1 University), Pascale Sébillot (INRIA-IRISA) and Nicolas Ballier (Paris-Diderot University). Automated processing of an English learner corpus: the case of this and that
  4. Garretson, Gregory and Henrik Kaatari (Uppsala University). Moving beyond lexical searches: A flexible method for extracting variable patterns from corpora
  5. Gueldenring, Barbara, Rolf Kreyer and Steffen Schaub (University of Marburg).  MILE - Introducing The Marburg corpus of Intermediate Learner English
  6. Halbe, Dorothea (Trier University). The connection between word meaning potential, semantic prosody and specialised genres
  7. Heremans, Katrien (University of Leuven). Are they being progressive? From being passive progressive to being active progressive
  8. Kermes, Hannah (University of Saarland). Formulaic expressions: in this paper but where?
  9. Krennmayr, Tina and Onno Huber (VU University Amsterdam). VU Amsterdam Metaphor Corpus Online
  10. Lindquist, Hans (Malmö University). The by day’s end construction
  11. Maiwald, Patrick (Justus Liebig University Giessen). Assessing statistical methods for categorizing Old English texts
  12. Rayson, Paul (Lancaster University), Serge Sharoff (University of Leeds), Hilary Nesi (Coventry University) and Emma Moreton (Coventry University). Increasing Interoperability between Corpus Tools
  13. Rodríguez-Abruñeiras, Paula (University of Santiago de Compostela). Exemplifying constructions in English : A historical survey
  14. Roethlisberger, Melanie (University of Zurich). The Dative Alternation in 20th century Newspaper Language
  15. Schaub, Steffen (Philipps University Marburg). Dimensions of Variation in Noun Phrase Use Across New English Varieties
  16. Schweinberger, Martin (Hamburg University). Global diffusion and local implementation – the discourse particle LIKE around the world
  17. Song, Myounghyoun (Seoul National University). What Triggers the Tough Movement?
  18. Sotillo, Susanna (Montclair State University). Ehhhh utede hacen plane sin mi??? :@ im feeling left out :( Form, Function and Type of Code Switching in SMS Texting
  19. Taavitsainen, Irma and Raisa Oinonen (University of Helsinki). Late Modern English Medical Texts 1700-1800
  20. van de Pol, Nikki (University of Leuven). Formal relic or something more? A diachronic genre-study of English absolutes

Poster presentations
(eligible for the Stig Johansson Bursary for the best poster presentation; to enter send an e-mail to icame33arts.kuleuven.be)

  1. Borlongan, Ariane and JooHyuk Lim (De La Salle University). Distinctive Features of Philippine English: A Meta-Analysis of Corpus-Based Studies
  2. Coronel, Lilian (University of Augsburg). Zeroing in on zero and wherein: Investigating Relativization Strategies in Philippine English
  3. Graedler, Anne-Line (Hedmark University College). A corpus-based study of attitudes towards English influence on Norwegian as expressed in newspaper discourse
  4. Kaatari, Henrik (Uppsala University). Sampling the BNC – creating a randomly sampled subcorpus for comparing multiple genres
  5. Kerremans, Daphné (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich). What happened to globesity, sodcasting and halfalogue?: On the diffusion process of English neologisms
  6. Kreyer, Rolf (University of Marburg). Morphological productivity across varieties of English. A suggestion for a cognitively plausible corpus-based measure that works in small corpora
  7. Lareo, Inés (Universidade da Coruña) and María José Esteve (Universitat Jaume I). Chemistry, Chimistry, Chimistrie, Chymistry. The Corpus of English Chemistry Texts as part of the Coruña Corpus
  8. Martinková, Michaela (Palacký University). Subject-operator inversion after sentence-initial only in a monolingual and a parallel translation corpus
  9. Meierkord, Christiane and Jude Ssempuuma (Ruhr-University Bochum). Completing the East Africa jigsaw – Towards describing Ugandan English(es)
  10. Moskowich, Isabel and Begoña Crespo (University of A Coruña). How informative were scientific texts written by nineteenth-century women? Evidence from the Coruña Corpus
  11. Palacios Martínez, Ignacio Miguel and Paloma Núñez Pertejo (University of Santiago de Compostela). The emergence of the intensifiers proper and bare in the language of British teenagers
  12. Prado-Alonso, Carlos (University of Santiago de Compostela). A Contrastive Corpus-based Analysis of XVS Structures in Present-day Written and Spoken English
  13. Tichý, Ondřej and Jan Čermák (Charles University in Prague). Semantic change through corpora: the case of collocability
  14. Verplaetse, Heidi (Lessius University College & University of Leuven) and Jelle Calders (Lessius University College). Epistemic shifts of author commitment in Darwin’s six editions of On the Origin of Species
  15. Werner, Valentin (University of Bamberg). Temporal adverbials and present perfect/past tense alteration across Englishes


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