ICAME 33 2012
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ICAME 33 :: Payment

Once you have submitted your registration details via the online form, please confirm your registration by paying the fees due.

The organizers will check payments received against registration details submitted, and confirm registration and payment within two weeks following receipt of payment.

1. Fee structure

The fee includes use of conference space and facilities (including WIFI access on site) at the historic venue of the Béguinage; opening reception; welcome and send-off coffee and coffee breaks; lunches on Thursday, Friday and Saturday; a conference pack including among other materials the book of abstracts and maps of Leuven and of Namur; and a copy of the ICAME Journal vol. 36 (2012).

The fee structure is as follows:

Late registration (ends on 1 May 2012)

  • Standard fee: EUR 350
  • Fee for students without salary: EUR 250

Additional charges (for further information, please consult the social programme)

  • Conference trip to Namur (Friday 1 June, afternoon and evening): EUR 50
  • Conference dinner at Salons Georges Leuven (Saturday 2 June, evening): EUR 50

For special registration requests, please contact us at icame33arts.kuleuven.be.

2. Payment options

For European delegates payment via European wire transfer is recommended. Other delegates can pay via credit card (we can only offer payment by VISA Card or MasterCard). Please ensure that your payment corresponds to the options selected in the registration form (in particular, please include any additional charges for conference trip and/or conference dinner in a single payment; e.g. participants registering for the conference at the standard late registration fee including conference trip and dinner should pay the lump sum of EUR 450).

European wire transfer (recommended for European delegates)

  • IBAN account number: BE63 7340 1934 1708
  • Bank Identifier Code (BIC): KREDBEBB
  • Account holder: KU Leuven (Krakenstraat 3, 3000 Leuven)
  • Bank address: KBC Bank, Brusselsesteenweg 100, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
  • Remittance information (please quote with your payment!): 400/0006/79241
  • If the account holder is not the person registering for the conference, please notify the organizers at icame33@arts.kuleuven.be.

Belgian delegates can use the same details, or take the shortcut of a Belgian bank transfer into account number 734-0193417-08, mentioning +++400/0006/79241+++ as remittance information ("gestructureerde mededeling"/"communication structurée").

Credit card payment

  • Secure card payment is possible using VISA Card, MasterCard or (for Belgian delegates) Bancontact.
  • Recommended browsers for the payment module include Internet Explorer 7-9 (Windows), Firefox 3.6-10 (Windows, Linux and MacOS) or Safari 4-5.1 (MacOS). (Other browsers may also work but this is not guaranteed.)
  • In the first screen of the payment application, please fill in the total amount due and (in the "Description" field) the name of the person (or persons) whose registration dues are being settled (if you are paying for more than one person and space is too limited, you may try to list only last names, and/or notify the organizers at icame33@arts.kuleuven.be).

3. Cancellation policy

Cancellations of registration must be made in writing to icame33arts.kuleuven.be. Cancellations received before 1 May 2012 will be refunded minus an administrative charge of EUR 25. Cancellations received from 1 May to 20 May 2012 will be refunded minus an administrative charge of EUR 100. We cannot refund cancellations after 20 May 2012.


K.U.Leuven - CWIS Copyright © Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | Comments on the content: icame33arts.kuleuven.be
Production: Lieven Vandelanotte | Most recent update: 2/04/12
URL: http://wwwling.arts.kuleuven.be/icame33