ICAME 33 2012
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ICAME 33 :: Submissions

Abstracts for the general session could be submitted until 20 December 2011 (via the EasyAbs tool) but is now closed. A total of 168 abstracts was received (of which 21 as work-in-progress reports, 7 as posters and 3 as software demonstrations).

Abstracts for three of the pre-conference workshops could be submitted until 30 January 2012 (via e-mail to the convenors) but is now closed.


K.U.Leuven - CWIS Copyright © Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | Comments on the content: icame33arts.kuleuven.be
Production: Lieven Vandelanotte | Most recent update: 14/03/12
URL: http://wwwling.arts.kuleuven.be/icame33